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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Often, when kids'/teens' diaries are brought up in TV shows, it is shown that the parents will read the diaries if they want to know something like where the kid may have gone, what they might be doing, are they doing drugs, are they sexually active, are they getting into trouble, yadda yadda yadda.... It makes me wonder if the whole idea behind parents and teachers encouraging kids to write down their innermost secret thoughts in these diaries supposedly only they will ever read has always just been intended as a scheme for authority figures to keep perfect tabs on them without the kids being any the wiser.
  2. Why the fuck did Netflix take this long to let me know they have Archer? I have such a hard time finding shows on there I like, and when I do, they have like 8 fucking episodes.
  3. "Unprovoked," "usually older women," WTF? Is this where the ASMB yearbook category "Most likely to punch an old woman in a motorized cart" came from, real life New York?
  4. Why do knock-knock jokes start with only two knocks, when the standard door knock is three knocks?
  5. Happy birthday! Please come back!
  6. It's like watching paint dry pitch drip.
  7. Roger Stone? Like, the director Roger Stone?
  8. But you stuck a flute in your pussy anyway?
  9. A couple of guitar classes Computer Music Production Music Business Audio Engineering I was never a music major. Don't regret taking any of these though.
  10. The best Robot Chicken sketches were the Crypt Keeper ones. Is that show even still in production?
  11. Penis music also comes in metal form: https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Hades_Archer/Penis_Metal/213978
  12. I'll bet it smells like B.O.
  13. I will never, ever, ever, EVER forget the Jimmy Page rank. Or the Ellen Degeneres and Ellen Cleghorn ones. That was so fucking hilarious.
  14. I believe he said something like, "I'd suck his dick." I think he has an account here, but hell if I know what the sn was. It was different from his ASMB username.
  15. This is the gig bag in question. These are my own pics I just snapped. And yes that is an SG and not a Les Paul, lol
  16. Where are you buying it from?
  17. Gibsons are supposed to come with a case included. Not hardshell, but real good quality softshell, way better than the average softshell.
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