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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I don't know it seems I've run into a few people who think he's some kind of legit political pundit / (non-comedic) genius.
  2. Why not, at least half the country gets their news from Joe Rogan.
  3. This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read here (including ASMB).
  4. With DF not having a post count requirement anymore, is it still impervious to Google searches?
  5. I mean this is inspired by a real life serial killer namerika named..... I believe he was sentenced to death. By the way, the rope is not for autoerotic asphyxiation
  6. If you get paid by direct deposit and have a debit card the convenience factor is huge.
  7. If this includes passing on the right, yes, many times. Why do people insist on going exactly the speed limit in the far left lane on the freeway when there are two other lanes that have plenty of room for them? Fuck if I know. There are literally multiple road signs that state "slow traffic keep right." Keeping with this theme, have you ever intentionally ran a red light?
  8. Nope, I've been so hungry it FELT LIKE I was gonna puke many, many, many times. Don't think this has happened to me as an adult though. Happened plenty as a kid. Have you ever uploaded original content to youtube?
  9. You should put that explanation above the spoiler. I clicked the spoiler not knowing what it was about because I didn't see the explanation until after because it's below. Luckily for me, I do not care about the movie.
  10. McNugget happy meal with semen dipping sauce and rope for the toy.
  11. What a coincidence, just got done eating it a few minutes ago. Went to McDonald's this morning/last night not sure what to order, and saw that... Had no idea wtf BTS was, but my go-to for McDonald's is a 10 piece McNugget meal with fries and a Coke, so.... sure, I'll try these new sauces. It seemed like making it its own item is extremely pointless, just introduce the new sauces and let people order McNuggets and when you ask them what kind of dipping sauce they want, they can request those. Anyway, I thought the cajun sauce was pretty good, but the sweet chili sauce was abysmal.... the closest comparison I can make to it is cough syrup. Who knows, if you chug enough McDonald's sweet chili sauce, maybe you'll get high.
  12. No, I've never drunk and drove. Have you ever had to resort to wiping your ass with a sock?
  13. *gives you Taco Bell Pepto taco*
  14. I really wish I could tell my body to do that.
  15. @Naraku4656
  16. I knew it wasn't but I still read the thread title in Rob Halford's voice anyway.
  17. It's been way too long since I've had crepes. One of the very few advantages to having French class every year in elementary school is ONE DAY your teacher will bring crepes for the class.
  18. And then you made cheesestakes to kill lactose intolerant vampires.
  19. I thought your main was banned at the time.
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