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Everything posted by SnapItCrackItPopIt

  1. Whose to say I wasn't just playing along?
  3. Back in 2006, when the show was at its peak, I had a chance to audition for it but decided against it because I wanted to do other things instead. Sometimes I do wonder if I had taken the chance what it would have led too but it seems the majority of the winners, if not all, are total has-been. I think one of the winners did speak on how models in the rest of the industry didn't take models from ANTM seriously. Anyway, the show today is a total catastrophe. Give it up, Tyra.
  4. Has a missing person report been filed? Any police involved? We honestly can't help you other than console you, OP.
  5. I can't say yes to the dress because I missed the dress.
  6. Good Lord, OP. You're really going through a tough time with the job, huh? I completely understand though. Lots of people use GoFundMe for all kinds of things so, I don't see where it would be dishonest to use it for what you desire, OP. As long as it stayed within GoFundMe's rules and if you add a humorous spin to it plus share it on social media (Reddit would love it), you might get somewhere with it.
  7. There could be a possibility that your computer was compromised by a bot network. Lots of computers are zombie computers and their owners don't even know it. Do you have Wi-Fi? Are there other devices connected to it? You need to perform a thorough device and network scan. Also, I would contact Google as well. https://www.google.com/contact/
  8. I would stay single too if the only option was you.
  9. I never imagined that one song from my middle school years would last a lifetime for other people's entertainment. Didn't the lead singer die?
  10. Report it to Amazon. Your account could be compromised.
  11. Keep on posting and you'll gain even more karma! You can do it!
  12. What does it take to get started in AI?
  13. Jokes on you! I don't have a coat! I'm a snowman! >
  14. 15 hours this week. I do NOT miss those 100+ hour work weeks.
  15. So he's a software engineer? Makes sense with computer science. From what I understand, computer engineering is both electrical engineering and software engineering combine, no?
  16. Aren't computer engineering and computer science completely different from each other?
  17. Same goes for Teen Spirit deodorant. Learned that the hard way back in middle school.
  18. Goodnight and good luck!
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