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Everything posted by SnapItCrackItPopIt

  1. An anal sex toy to be exact.
  2. I don't know why but chicken salad is crack to me. One time I made a huge batch and ate it for each meal three days in a row. Made me some today. Boiled three chicken breasts (I have the broth in the fridge for later consumption), shredded them babies up, slapped in some mayo (Duke's is king), relish, and sugar. I know some people will slap in cranberries, celery, lemon juice, mustard, and even herbs. It's not too bad as I do find them to add a hint of flavor but it's not something I want consistently in my chicken salad. I keep it simple. I followed up with some BBQ chicken legs and I am bawk-bawk-BAAAAAAAAWK the fuck out.
  3. Yeah, because you're a rat's nest. I alternate between body washes and soaps.
  4. Are you in western NC?
  5. I had no idea Minitokyo was still around. I've really been out of the loop for a while now. Ah, so the typical lack of time, interest, and staff. I'm sure it got costly too. Whole database just GONE in an instant. History down the drain. Hmm, I wonder if I could pull up old pages in the Wayback Machine? 2013? Whew, time flies. Doesn't seem that long. Anyway, thank you so much!
  6. I've been wearing glasses since the first grade. My left eye is the problem. It's weaker, lazier, and has astigmatism. I'm thinking about LASIK as I've never been comfortable with wearing contacts.
  7. The site is still live but for the past few years the only content on there is a homepage of a video of a random song. Heck, its been so long that even the video doesn't play anymore. It's just a video still image. That place use to give me the best scans and wallpapers and then it just disappeared. I have never been able to find out why.
  8. An individual of quality, I see.
  9. Ever licked hummus off a balloon?
  10. You know I can whip my hair back n' forth through any screen, right? So once again, get slapped. ;-)
  11. Well, get slapped then. Enjoy that taste. ;-)
  12. Maybe for you but not for everyone else. Get over it, shut up, and sit down.
  13. Just like you don't know anything about any other woman's hair?
  14. Driving recklessly can cost lives, you big dummy.
  15. Says who? I'm sorry your hair is such a rat's nest that you can't even part it properly.
  16. I love hummus. I'm surprised that so many people do not like it.
  17. As you should be. Road workers have been killed because of reckless drivers like you. I'm honestly surprise they let you of with a 4th warning but I'm sure it's racking up points on your license.
  18. Exactly. Some women carry the part down the middle look very well. Especially if they have an angled bob hairstyle. I switch up between part down the middle and side part but side part does seem to enhance my face much better. This too. There are days where I only have time to part n' bun.
  19. I haven't been on that site in YEARS. I didn't even know it was still around.
  20. Yeah, I started doing it when the buckle almost came loose during the ride. I've never been so close to shitting myself before.
  21. Blow it on me, baby.
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