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Everything posted by SnapItCrackItPopIt

  1. I was a fast ass anime fan girl, lol. Oh man, I cringe at the cybering I use to do while pretending to be Kagome or even miserable ass Kikyo.
  2. I never really used ICQ, but I was wondering when AIM would eventually kick the bucket. Had some fun and crazy times on there. People I will never speak to again, but will never forget. With that said, I'm glad it's shutting down because the wild shit I use to post on AIM...
  3. What was her response?
  4. She might have a case, but that depends on the laws of the state and even county she is living in. With that said, I agree with @Ginguy, she needs to get in contact with the authorities so she can get her stuff back. Make sure the authorities go with her as well for protection. Also, if she has any medication back at the condo, she might be able to get him for putting her life in danger as well.
  5. Did she pay any bills while living in the condo?
  6. If he's telling her that she can't have her belongings back, then that's theft.
  7. Is the condo in her name?
  8. Pittsburgh definitely has that rust belt feel to it. It doesn't have that typical east coast city life feel. I think someone from the Midwest could blend in better there than someone from Philly. I have neighbors from Philly and from the way they have describe it, it sounds like your typical east coast major city.
  9. I've been to Pittsburgh, but I have never been to Philly. Maybe that's the reason why it feels odd to me, lol.
  10. Really? Doesn't seem like it. Delaware? Yes. New Jersey? Yes. Even NYC? Yes, but Pennsylvania? It just doesn't have that Mid-Atlantic feel...
  11. What is Pennsylvania? Mid-Atlantic?
  12. I'm going to purchase a new one too come next year. My baby is has reached her peak.
  13. Does anybody remember the Prospero days?
  14. That's one dick ass finger.
  15. Was this English or "cash me outside" English?
  16. Cats are ninjas. Case closed.
  17. Sometimes I wonder if the ease of technology has made people less responsible? I remember students freaking out about not getting their assignment in on time when it was back in the days of submitting the assignment directly to the professor's hands. Sometimes students would work extra hard to come up with a few plausible excuses. Nowadays, a student can wait to the last minute and go "Well, it's on the internet so it can be completed at anytime and I can submit it way past the deadline because internet." I think online features such as Blackboard, Moodle, etc; have completely eliminated that fear of deadlines and late assignments.
  18. I've read up several non-bias reports over the years about today's college students not being so up to part when it comes to following directions, time management, and being responsible. This problem also spills over into the job market as well. Maybe that's why some grads have a hard time getting hired? When I was in college, the majority of my professors gave us procedure if we had an issue with submitting on time and if we followed that procedure correctly, we could be give an extension. The second chance was only allowed once and after that, you were shit out of luck and it wasn't allowed for end of the semester assignments that needed to be in at a certain time for semester grade calculation and submission. I think I only had a couple of professors who were hardcore about no extensions (unless it was a serious issue like a medical one and you could provide proof for it).
  19. The law is the law. Don't you live in the tri-state area? You couldn't get some kind of transportation? I live in the rural South and without a car so if I could manage to get to my court dates on time every time, so can you.
  20. Telling someone the truth isn't having a nasty chip on the shoulder. That's the problem with a lot of you kids today, couldn't recognize the truth even if you were forced to swallow it. How is 5'11 like the size of LeBron James? I'm quite sure 5'11" is hella short to LeBron. Also, what the hell do you mean by wanting a sugar daddy and not a bulky Black man making millions? What's wrong with a bulky Black man making millions (White chicks on the come up love those types) and how can he not be a sugar daddy as well? Do you think you're better than Black men, Zeni?
  21. A lot of the chain dine-in restaurants are desperately trying to stay relevant in today's time.
  22. So, in other words, you are claiming the universe is revolves around you? You just had to make it about you, huh?
  23. Just for you...Scoobdog
  24. Those are some decent skills. I'm quite sure you can find something.
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