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Everything posted by katt_goddess

  1. That's because he's not allowed in Best Buy. They all have BOLOs of his drunken ass with the notation 'go ahead and beat the crap out of, we don't care' .
  2. Just be sure to check the insides first because kittens can haz cauldrons?
  3. Whose paying and which one is lightly seasoned with orphan tears?
  4. Darn, and here I thought you were going give me moneys. I promise I would spend it all on crap.
  5. I love naps. I hate the naps that sneak up on you and cause you to pass out in the recliner like a nursing home escapee though.
  6. I had a Hamm's Beer Bear towel with attached hoodie when I was little. I don't really like bears but that towel was like a superhero costume at the time. Currently I have a medium sized still soft and fluffy towel with blue roses and the phrase 'Elegant Rose' on it that I usually only use when I travel. It was from Japan and the price tag on it was something like 3,500 which makes it seem extra fancy and luxurious even though yen and dollar are two very separate prices. Most 'expensive' towel I have ever owned.
  7. Weird Al. Whenever I'm having a bad time, I watch or listen to something by Weird Al. AMVs and Gifs with Sound stuff are a steady go-to when being on-line is a possibility. And stomping the absolute snot out of goombas in any Mario game ever seems to be my default activity when waiting for test results. Watching Studio Ghibli movies is also becoming a thing when I'm super depressed. I think it's all the details in the animation that give me something to focus on other than whatever else is going on.
  8. Now this is my type of reality program. katt approves Kattarshians.
  9. Not that hard. I can wear a size 7 mens with my size 9 footsies no problem.
  10. If you go to peopleofwalmart.com you can have all of the experiences without ever leaving home.
  11. Tell that to my parakeets. They feed and groom each other and I caught Yoda bopping his spin toy while Ghost was sitting under it. :::
  12. Microwave popcorn. Actually I can usually throw together a decent beef stew or chicken pot in the slow cooker when I have to. The stuff usually freeze pretty well which means I have homemade stew or soup for later when I don't feel like doing or making anything.
  13. katt_goddess


    I'm not sure about that but it probably has a few SUVs.
  14. katt_goddess


    Until the bubbles get too sparse in the bath.
  15. *tossing waffle-cream fish out* 'MAGIKARP! DO SPLASH ATTACK!' *waffle-cream fish performs MELT* 'F you, twat waffle fish.'
  16. Holy carp. I think I need to find those things now. I also need to find out if they have those things in Atlanta and try to get someone to deliver a bunch to FishCenter. If it's got red bean in it, it'll be like biting a fish and getting bled on.
  17. Now that's a snack for the 'Candy and Puppies' van. I wish my local Asian food sources carried recognizable cartoon branded items like that. But everything has generic pandas playing sports and the occasional monkey holding a taro chip.
  18. If I see something happen, I will say what I saw. It doesn't matter for who because if I'm telling the truth only the liars have to worry.
  19. Yep, this too. They figure they are selling things to the types of people who will smoke / ingest / inject cat piss-Nyquil cocktails so who cares what level of poison they pawn off.
  20. Idiots lace anything and everything with fentanyl now. The sellers don't always care if the people who buy die. They also don't care if anyone else touches any of this crap and gets sick or dies from it either. They already got the money.
  21. They still make it. It's just that a lot of times it's no longer sold with the top flag sticker and the pic on the box is angled so no one can see the top of the car. If you are a fan of the actual program and not just a rebel redneck, it's very easy to find or make your own decal to complete the General Lee to it's tv series state. It was also a pretty crappy seller. We literally sold more Munster hearse-mobiles than General Lees and that was with the movie re-boot drawing the attention of a new people.
  22. Some days, the only way to eat is with an overwhelming sense of dread and self loathing. And a stockpile of plushy 3-ply.
  23. Not at all. It just clearly illustrated that things were super messed up when even Admin-level code monkeys on the [as] side of things couldn't do things. If he had managed to figure it out, things on that site might have really opened up and become usable. I sometimes wonder if he did go back and tell them the limits sucked and were deliberately suffocating traffic and that's one of the things that led to him not working directly for WS anymore.
  24. I used this as a challenge to DrewId on the nodeb to show how messed up the priviledges were - told him that if he could get that thing to work on the boards again, he'd literally be a god among shut-ins. Even he couldn't get it to work and he should have had all the powers to do so.
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