First of all, no, they aren't going to air something that appeals to you because there are laws against pedophile hentai on basic cable. Download that garbage on your own and get caught on a spider list.
Secondly, not that any of this will register with you, some times things are part of package deals. There is x in the budget and that budget can actually get stretched to afford more things if a certain amount of a company's library is purchased for airing at a time. It also builds a working relationship with said companies which means more deals and future first choices. It's not a matter of going to the store and picking up a DVD. You want that, you go do that. Meanwhile, they are going to try getting what they can and pushing for things that they couldn't have before. Deal with it.
And finally, they aren't going to listen to some diaper baby whose main complaint tends to be they don't like something because they already saw it. Boo hoo. There's one at every public event and panel discussion and even the other trolls are getting bored with it.
Enough attention?