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Everything posted by NSAID

  1. One time I got home from work and a rat was dying (super slowly, it was still alive and would move in spurts but like couldn't just run away) in our bathroom. Never saw another or any evidence of rats in the house, which seems like the kinda thing you'd notice, so I assume it got poisoned elsewhere and decided to die in my bathroom like all of nature's creatures eventually choose to do. Up til then I had only killed mice so it was basically a boss battle I didn't need that night.
  2. I moved out to the Midwest like an idiot, and one of the things I would mention I missed was stromboli. Friend mentions her mother used to like a good stromboli but she hasn't seen it on menus for a long time. Later on same friend was out at a restaurant and tells me they sold stromboli there so she ordered one for me. When I open it up its a sandwich with like beef and tomato sauce. I'm like "I think they gave you the wrong order". Friend has no idea what I'm talking about, bc apparently out here that shit is a sandwich varietal bc it's a godless land out here.
  3. more pre-hs classics in the shuffle today
  4. aren't we all?
  5. I used to live in the attic. Sure, the candles melted in the summer and my water frosted in the winter, but the privacy was nice.
  6. I feel like this is secretly a natural noise for everyone, but in the time before I moved to the midwest I was an unemployed teenager and didn't have to pretend to care about being rude when bumping into people. But I prefer to make other various, more aggressive(?) tiny noises when bumped into by non-customers.
  7. Kristin Chenoweth did at least one song in it that was fun
  8. They must have went in there just to eat the orange in private, because it was like an entire peel, but why. (I won't hear boredom as a suggestion bc I've never been so bored in all my life where I thought it sounded cool to just take out a spare pocket orange and chomp away in a public bathroom)
  9. I used to think I hated Fleetwood Mac bc I only heard their worst songs and at some point thought they did afternoon delight and some other song I hate that wasn't them. But then I found a handful of songs of theirs that pair really well with alcohol so they're okay in my book. On topic for my own damn thread: A long time ago we were borrowing a cook from another store and he was bragging about his 2tb collection of techno/electronic/whatever and kept bringing up meeting the aphex twin guy and he also kept mentioning how he didn't have feeling in one of his hands and sounded damn near like the folksy hamster from hamtaro. Anyway, sometimes I do listen to this remix of this song when youtube puts it in the up next area.
  10. I have a ton of various sized bandages and gauze and also whatever I could find that seemed like it could be useful that I liberated from the doctor's office over time (about eight years ago for newest) mixed with stuff I got from my grandparents house that is probably damn near the same age as I am. Meaning most of it is suspect and I forget this til I need it. Also have some hello kitty bandages for when minor cuts encourage me to make myself look like a tool and med size ones for covering work burns. While I suppose it could give me comfort to walk by each day, I don't know that having a more heavy duty kit would be useful if I was injured to the point of becoming a part of the yearly statistic on home accidents.
  11. I really only remember someone golfing (just remember the little strip set up nothing else), will Smith dragging the guy, and the big space ship scene from the movie cover. If he was also in those scenes then technically I remember him. But I was like 7 when we watched it, the thing I remember most is thinking it went on forever.
  12. I like to eat Blueberries with the smallest amount of sugar suspended in milk. I learned that from my great grandparents on one side, and it's one of the only ways I can take plain cow's milk. Green beans are one of the foods I eat straight out the can when I don't feel like doing anything. I like them that way but hate them fresh, which I also learned from the same great grandparents
  13. Oh nvm nvm I looked it Up and I did see independence day, but I hated it at the time. Do remember in the most vague sense parts where maybe goldblum was in it? I've also seen The Life Aquatic more than once, which also apparently has him in it and I just never knew. I don't think that necessarily absolves me in this circumstance, but it's what I got going
  14. Well. If I didn't include the sleep clause idk how I would define things, going from back in the day when I was cool. But the job and school I did, well it's unimportant in the grand scheme of of lasting impact on this earth, but important to the sentiment of my relatively comfortable lifellstyle. I shouldn't say it doesn't matter to me being able to maintain it, buuut. I do anyways I could tell myself about all the things I could be doing, but if i really could be doing them with ease I would. Potential, is crap. It's more about situational ability, and that's where I'm not fully willing to put my weight behind yet. Hopefully one day, but who tf knows
  15. I personally consider a bender to involve a lack of planning and two or less consecutive hours of sleep so I guess four days. I planned my life out bad to where I went from mandatory school to mandatory job I spite of neither being truly important in the grand scheme
  16. I need to. I had a jurassic Park cake for one of my birthdays, and cherished the t-rex cake topper, but I was told I wasn't old enough.... I did see part of it on non-cable TV years and years ago, but the only thing I can remember is Newman.
  17. For whatever reason, be it a promotion or cowardice you aren't in charge of the area of the building where people can play their personal music. What artifacts of their bad taste have made it.to your fucked up playlist. What was so bad you wanted to throttle them. If I'm absolutely blasted and appreciate the genre of Guy Making a song named after his stage name Only. 50 song I easily remember liking when that was a thing If I had to get into all the songs I hate, well, that'd be too many Google searches. What about you?
  18. Jazz album......... Pittsburgh I accidentally gave somebody hot cheese at work and felt bad. I'm still saying that guy requested it specifically. But still. Nose was running and all that *aggressive sniffing * I can't think of a single Movie I watched with him in it, but I still appreciate what he does.
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