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Everything posted by NSAID

  1. Neon signs Unscreened windows, slightly cracked in the summer twilight A bare electric light An uncovered and forgotten pot of water Banana steams
  2. Don't listen to The Cranberries while driving, or The Cure while stationary, in my experience that usually fixes it.
  3. It's like how when I tried to ask my parents what the show about the giant bananas wearing striped clothes were, and they were like," never heard of it lol". I doubt there's anything especially frightening about the show Bananas in Pajamas, but having to consider that maybe it was a product of my own sick mind made my blood run cold. All I could remember from this short for a long time was, "blue swollen cat man in pain hopelessly lost and basically being tortured" and feeling like I'd seen it many times. And as for the thread topic in general, I know a lot of people feel this way, but Brave Little Toaster was the worst trick ever played on children.
  4. For years I couldn't remember enough details about this to search for it, only the most vague and ridiculous stuff that made me unsure it was a real thing and anyway I hate it.
  5. My grandparents once sent us over a dozen cans of salmon one of the times they went fishing in Alaska, and I gotta say the bones are the best part.
  6. I'm sry that you're a coward, but I have a freezer full of hearts + gizzards that are waiting for a regional touch
  7. We call them red beet eggs, but they're pink and I hate beets bc they've an old man food
  8. I have to make my own pink eggs now, that's one of the few things I miss that don't boil down to "someone else paid my bills at the time"
  9. If you live somewhere else than where you were raised, is there stuff you miss? Doesn't have to be the whole thing, but maybe there was an exceptional County Fair or a regional specialty you can't get anywhere else. If you still live in the same place then idk maybe there's something from the good ol' days you just can't find any more. I miss uneven land and not disgusting tap water, how bout you?
  10. I like when it's early in the morning and all the light there is, is light blue, and I can go outside without having to worry about seeing anyone else. Sometimes it's got a cool breeze to enjoy, sometimes it's just barely raining. In the spring when things start to grow flowers they look extra beautiful, and it's the grace period before still being awake that late starts to become a problem for the rest of the day (it starts being a problem immediately after it gets brighter).
  11. Oh, just one? That can be nice too if you don't want to show off, but it's not very impressive...
  12. NSAID

    Drugs and Music

    This is a very dangerous mix to tempt fate with a few years down the road you could end up wondering why you have a venetian snares album on an external hard drive depending on which drugs it is
  13. Why my friend and I got into an accident on the highway (another driver lost control and hit the side of our car) it was intense, but nothing major happened. A couple in a van pulled over to check if we were okay, and the guy had some comic tattoos on his arm. I lost focus on the potentially fatal accident bc my biggest thought at the time was, "why gambit?"
  14. Part of why I took it in is bc the bad ass kids next door also seen this cat and were upsetting her (had to tell them to stop throwing a hard, plastic ball at her??) and their mom yelling at them saying they weren't gonna keep it + no missing cat posting anywhere I could find, and it did not just leave (we waited in case the mom cat came looking for her as well). But the cat was absolutely insane. My roomate and I named her wolverine. No idea where the soda bottle came from it was just that kinda neighborhood.
  15. When I was a kid, there was at least a month where I couldn't move my legs beneath my knees. Since they did tests and never found an answer, I have to assume it was an early spike in whatever half baked somatoform disorder makes me think I'm dying every time I get a cold right until my nose starts running. it stress, maintain an electrolyte balance and avoid getting upset about anime for a few weeks.
  16. I like that one song black bubblegum and then that other song is okay where they were androids in the music vid or w/e I remember they were promoting it back when I was heavy into MCR and they dressed up like them as a joke for a show on the fuse channel, but that's all I've heard, but true story, ever since I started using a keyboard, I've always used caps to capitalize instead of shift. I don't know how unusual that is or is not, but I used to get yelled at for it
  17. When this happened to me, I kept it for several years, and am now put off siamese entirely. I should have known better considering I found her as a kitten cradling a bottle of mtn dew that had somehow ended up next to my porch, even though no one in the house drank it.
  18. My co-workers really don't appreciate someone playing this more than once a night
  19. I want to live in a cave and get high in there and have bugs crawling on me and never hear another human voice and I'll forget what mine sounds like too and I'll probably die from drinking raw water sure but up til then I'd be living the dream.
  20. Why did this teenager I work with not know what parsley was? #only90skidsremember
  21. Why does no one else ever wanna play parchessi.... It's not that bad........
  22. Get there before the doors open, show up whenever you feel like it, right up front, close to the bathrooms, drunk af? What? Only go to see bands you really like, or whatever sounds interesting that night?
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