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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Of the new sequels, I only watched Shoegaze, and I found it more unnecessary than bad. At least it had some neat visuals.
  2. Hopefully what happened with Mario and also the live-action One Piece becomes the norm going forward, because that's probably the only way you're gonna get consistently good adaptations of otaku-centric media.
  3. Oh shit, thanks for the reminder to DVR this. I haven't watched the first two episodes from DST yet, but that should change soon.
  4. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ 7 Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 10/11 [need more stuffing]
  5. It's more interesting than the actual topic, at least, which I only care for a little. Also, while this thread may have gone Type II, at least it's tangentially related to the topic. Better this than people bitching about Star Wars again. [woah, avatar/post]
  6. [what's with the lack of activity here?]
  7. And there's more where that came from:
  8. Yeah, I know. So original. [speaking of lizzie freeman...]
  9. The iDOLM@STER Million Live! 6 Himegoto 7-9 Wasn't planning on watching the latter, but a couple nights ago I had a dream that I blew off work to see Himegoto: The Movie, which was apparently a Big Damn Movie take on the series. 18+ got killed in it! Now I really want it to be a thing. I'll have to fit it in between my ideas for Touhou fanfictions and the original anime I've been wanting to write up.
  10. If that is the case, at least this means they see value in the block. In this environment, you should take a freebie whenever you can get one.
  11. Holy shit. First non-sequel acquisition in two whole years! And it came out of nowhere. I knew next year wasn't going to be a total loss. It's one of the more well-liked original action shows from the past couple years. I've seen the first two episodes, and I liked 'em very much. I even went with the dub. Not sure if I'll try to cram the rest of the show in for content ratings purposes before the premiere.
  12. Hell to the yeah. The lesson here? Public shaming works, at least sometimes. I'll have to support this film somehow if it does get a proper release.
  13. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 7-9 The Idolm@ster Million Live! 5 Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- 14/15 [slay the mighty set]
  14. They sure did. And here I thought WBD was done with this bullshit and 2024 was gonna be normal. I'm worried for Toonami in particular.
  15. So, I agree with this, but I also feel like you could take this logic further: why bother working on U149 when I haven't even finished screenshots for the OG Cinderella Girls? So I'm going to try and go back and do that, but at the same time, watching it at the same time as the ongoing Million Live! is going to feel awkward. Maybe I'll wait until the new year to finally finish the job. We'll see what happens. And now, a quickie update: The Idolm@ster Million Live! Episode 2: "Auditions Are the Doorway to Dreams" - TV-PG Episode 3: "Sparkling World! Our Theater!" - TV-G Episode 4: "We're Putting On a Concert in a Field?!" - TV-PG Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 5: "The Flower Incident" [part one] - TV-PG Episode 6: "The Flower Incident" [part two] - TV-PGS Next time, let's focus on killing that backlog. Iknow this is in complete defiance of last time, but it just feels right.
  16. Are they really going to be airing past the first two episodes? My understanding is that it's a big enough undertaking for Jose that we can't expect a weekly run. Maybe these are just repeats of the first two to stall, but I don't know what they would be stalling for or if it would even be practical.
  17. Need another treat for Halloween? Did your kids not get any full-size candy bars this year? I've got you covered, though I wasn't intending to do it this way. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episodes 5 and 6: "The Flower Incident" a.k.a. "Judgment Day"
  18. I had a Pizza Hut in town once, which was eventually closed, turned into a local breakfast/lunch dining spot, and then bulldozed to make way for a larger plaza of resturants. Only time I've eaten in recent memory was a few months ago on vacation in Maine. It's fine; though my family has always preferred Domino's, though maybe they wouldn't if there was a Pizza Hut close by.
  19. If only he was talking about the drummer for that Grateful Dead cover band.
  20. Oof, sorry about that. Shouldn't have gone with such charged language there; I was just preoccupied with using it in some situation. The Idolm@ster Million Live! 4
  21. Well, so much for DeMarco having to air Velma. This is good news. Not much to it other than that. Granted, it's not as good as it could've been given that this is years-old sloppy seconds. Would've been better if they'd been able to air the Mugen Train movie instead, that pandemic-era smash hit, since this adaptation of it is apparently inferior in every way. But hey, we didn't think Toonami would be able to do this, so good for them. I personally think this is an act of mercy on CR's behalf rather than Toonami figuring out a loophole or scrounging up enough money to meet their unreasonable demands. And in regards to next year, while they might blow the budget to smithereens getting the Entertainment District arc, I'm a little more optimistic on that front. Between a pandemic, an ugly corporate merger, and then multiple strikes in the entertainment industry, Warners hasn't had a normal year since 2019, but they're going to next year barring something really unexpected, so I think they'll be a little more charitable toward the block. I mean, who knows if there will be anything left to license, but if so, they can always spend it on such banal desires as a packaging refresh. [space ghost is fuc-]
  22. What if I want to watch it without having to subscribe to Max?
  23. Berigoo! I have this show on DVD, but I wasn't planning on watching it until seeing all the other iM@S shows, and given my standoffishness on all things Cinderella Girls right now, that doesn't seem like it's going to happen for a while. I earnestly await your content ratings recaps of it. FLCL Shoegaze 2/3 (end) The Idolm@ster Million Live! 1-3 Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ 5/6 Shoegaze was eh, though I didn't think the ending was as deporable as other people did.
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