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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Ah nuts, you beat me to it. I thought Zaslav might've partially written off those rights, meaning they couldn't air on TV but streaming was safe, but this suggests otherwise. What gives? Maybe they have to pay extra for these, but if that were the case, they wouldn't be doing these marathons. Let's see what wild theorycrfafting everyone else can come up with.
  2. Indeed it was, if only for the fact that they had just about every type of show in terms of popularity airing, from great catalog titles to the obligatory megahit premieres. Not to mention the stylistic variety, which soon got stamped out in favor of Shonen Jump the whole way down.
  3. It was a decade ago tonight when, after having subsisted on a diet of mostly dubbed Yu-Gi-Oh!, I decided to break into the big leagues and willingly watch Toonami. And yeah, my reason for this was Sword Art Online. Just like everyone else! At the time, I had no idea what an ASMB was or how it and its successor forum would alter my brain chemistry. Here's what the bumps looked like back then: TOM 5 actually looks weird to me now. A little too clean and shiny (but perversely, with some scratches), and the proportions look off. But I think he's cool, and the 2013-era packaging is still gritty as hell. So getting back to the main topic, my mom ended up catching me watching anime in the middle of the night, which was hardcore behavior for 15-year-old me. I mean, it's about as hardcore as I've ever done, sorta pulling all-nighters. Back then, Toonami was an odyssey of animation. I started off going to sleep for a little while before Toonami (though I've gone looking through files I saved that night, and it might not be the case; I presumably got about 45 minutes in), but in one case it caused me to miss a huge chunk of the episode. I eventually got into the habit of staying up and either watching the shows that came on before SAO or doing something else. Good thing I eventually caught on and started watching other shows. And then I started actively chatting during them, which lead to a lot of debauched fun on Twitter and elsewhere circa the mid-2010s. Ironically, some of my exploits had to do with one guy's overbearing love for SAO to the point of blocking people who shat on it. Glad I eventually became neutral on the franchise, though it's not like I'm willing to go to bat for it nowadays. I even tried to get back in via Alicization, though I only watched the premiere before I went back to saying that Log Horizon is better in spite of having not watched it in years. I don't even know if that's true. Now, since this post feels a little weird otherwise, here's an [as] black-and-white bump announcing Toonami's acquisition of SAO. You know, the thing they seemingly don't do anymore? 6769.d.mp4 Well, both of them. Funnily enough, it doesn't mention Toonami at all. Wonder how many people here know that there was a time where they did this? It happened with Soul Eater, too. Sadly, I am not currently watching anything on this accursed block (I haven't even bothered to tape My Adventures with Superman, even after learning people actually enjoy it), and my livetweeting (or is it live-Xing now?) skills are washed up, but hey: I'm glad this block is still around and blowing minds on an... occasional basis. Maybe FLCL Grunge will do it for someone, I don't know. If nothing else, I'm just glad you are still around, you crazy UEMBers, an amazing oasis in the current reality known as "the Internet is made of four websites, all of which are barely functional", and hopefully this topic has dredged up some of your fondest memories watching Toonami. Here's to many more. Maybe ten more? Even if Toonami or even [adult swim] isn't around by then, I'm sure we'll still be the definitive online resource for all things Totally Spies!. [stay gold]
  4. Tanaka-kun is Always Listless 1 [fitting choice for this month]
  5. Apparently April Fool's Day in 2018 was a test case after all. I shouldn't have doubted Al.
  6. They probably should've gone for higher-quality animation given that this is a big franchise like FLCL. Then again, you have people saying this shouldn't have been a franchise at all. The story for this one looks like it'll be decent; if nothing else, I want to find out why The Thing is one of the protagonist's friends(?). They also showed some footage for Shoegaze, and even though it's brief and only has music, this one looks way more appealing. I really like the girl's character design; she looks like a flavor of the month.
  7. Hopefully they do the same with Scavengers Reign. How many people around here remember that show? Because it's still coming, and it's intended for Max first. So speaking of fluffing, they've been doing a lot of talk about Lazarus, and how Watanabe the legend is back. DeMarco thinks it'll be successful to the point where it gets multiple seasons; would be good for us, if only because no acquisitions were announced at this panel. Edit: But it would be a good idea.
  8. So they're not going full Tracey Morgan? Too bad. Also, it's been confirmed that all of S8 and even some of S9 has been written.
  9. I mean, come on. WBD's hatred for its creatives has become downright outlandish at this point. Can't they let the other American media conglomerates be assholes?
  10. Funnily enough, my first reaction to this was "Oh, fuck off", because I wasn't a fan of the fact that DeMarco is commissioning yet another original from someone [as] has worked with before. But you know what? I'm down for this. Watanabe is a certified big deal who hasn't had a TV anime air in a while, and MAPPA has put out a lot of quality productions recently, even if they've gone too hard for most peoples' liking. Plus the other people involved give this show an air of uniqueness. I think it'd help if they could get some of Watanabe's past collaborators on for this project... Michiko Yokote, Dai Sato, etc.
  11. I was alluding to said article they put out, and they haven't published any articles on it since. I should've made that more clear. I mean, yeah, they'll put out news articles related to the series if something comes up, and there's nothing wrong with that, but the pushback from their reviewing staff is what's noteworthy.
  12. Went with The Big Occident, mostly because it has a sweet name I didn't hear until recently. I do agree with Al about Harley Quinn, but at the same time, that show was aired as a one-off marathon I doubt [as] put much thought in. If they had, they might've reached to finish it.
  13. Well, thanks for the heads up, because Anime News Network certainly hasn't given it to anyone. I find it interesting how they've silently boycotted the series ever since its premiere at AX. Nobody reviewed the first episode for the preview guide, and it wasn't included on the ballot for this season's weekly reviews. Even Crunchyroll has hardly given any attention to their own show. I'm glad I've never had any interest in Kenshin, but if I did... eh, I probably wouldn't bother with this one anyway. Maybe I'd pirate it? Depends on if Watsuki gets a cut from the official stream.
  14. Am I the only other person in here who feels like this could be intentional? I don't have a very good opinion of DeMarco nowadays, although I do respect him, so this seems like something the block could do and pass off as an "oopsie". On the other hand, this being a legit accident that just so happens to give them two extra weeks to scrounge up a replacement for Dr. Stone is funnier, and nowadays I will always root for the funniest possible outcome to a situation, so I believe it.
  15. At this point, the biggest thing we have to worry about is writers and actors deciding to picket the convention itself. I've been scouring Deadline for news about that, but I haven't seen anything.
  16. To Your Eternity S2E10 Spy×Family S1E19 Henry's ridiculous shonen battle pose as he announces Anya's been expelled (in an Imagine Spot; she also gets her Dandy on in it) made me laugh really hard, and I never do that while watching anime nowadays. Glad I decided to watch it after buying the Blu-ray of the first part from the only Barnes & Noble in Maine, though there's another one opening in this state in a week and a half.
  17. Also, this:
  18. Blatch

    Steam Sale

    I bought Halo: The Master Chief Collection just for the hell of it, as I downloaded Infinite a while ago but haven't played it, nor anything else Halo.
  19. I think the best time for someone to have tried would've been when the modern version of Toonami was getting started, so let's say 2012-2015. You did have a few cable channels airing anime, but those were either one-offs (Mnet America my beloved) or, in the case of Chiller's Ani-Wednesdays, clearly not a serious attempt. After that period came the rise of streaming; the TV landscape feels uncertain right now, with labor strife playing a role in that, so I guess all we can do in that regard is to hope it comes crashing down.
  20. Where'd you see something saying she might quit? Seems a little overblown to me. Hopefully she uses this time to cool down and gets the support she needs. Also, it's unfortunate that this happens to a VA shortly after another one posts this, which reinforces the point nicely:
  21. If that's the case, then what are they going to do with these?
  22. I don't see a blip of something else in the Ep. 2 clip, though Ep. 6? Definitely. And that is indeed the OP. As for Ep. 3, I think that was a simple mistake. I should've taken the time to done a brief pass over all these clips, but I had no choice as I sent the post with mere minutes to midnight. And I didn't have Twitter in mind when I made these. I might post one of these eventually, but it's gonna have to be memorable. And I probably won't bother while Elon is rate-limiting Twitter.
  23. Yeah, feels like they want to make sure the [as] festival is really juicy, even though ongoing negotiations w/ SAG-AFTRA's contract could make things hairy. We're supposed to find out who's going to be there and such after the 4th of July.
  24. If he really is a mushroom, then how the is he going to crush capitalism?
  25. This time I'm going to do something different and focus on only one show, in the interests of both getting to the next page faster and so the ratings themselves are fresher. Sadly, I couldn't get this done while the show was still airing. The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls U149 Episode 1: "When Can't You See Your Own Face in the Mirror?" - TV-14 Episode 2: "What says 'I'm Home' even though it's leaving?" - TV-14 [inconsistent] Episode 3: "What Sinks in the Ocean and Doesn't Get Wet?" - TV-PG Episode 4: "What Flies With Broken Wings?" - TV-PG Episode 5: "What's Really High But Underground?" - TV-PG Episode 6: "What Gets Cooler The Hotter It Gets?" - TV-PGDLV Episode 7: "What Speaks Without a Voice?" - TV-G
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