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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Why am I seeing KissAnime logos on the corners of those screenshots? Kantai Collection #7 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Sweet for Brak" Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: "January 11, 2017" [i sexually identify as a [s]blood[/s] cum dumpster]
  2. If Gundam Unicorn ends up doing not any better than IBO, I would be seriously disappointed. The first episode actually hooked me on the series, and I'm really psyched to continue the story and get some great animation along the way.
  3. What does Jman think One Piece would have to do to be considered "popular"? Become a mainstream show? Because I can't tell you how many popular shonen have gained traction among anime fans and not pierced the pop culture veil in the same way DBZ or maybe Naruto have.
  4. *shifty eyes* But yeah, I love what [as] has been doing with these shows. I honestly didn't expect it to go beyond Space Ghost reruns at 1:15, but here we are.
  5. Remember when Attack on Titan spent multiple episodes trying to move a boulder?
  6. Eh... I'm sorry if that stuck in anyone's craw. I just felt like injecting some cynicism in here as a coping mechanism. Just because I think everything is fucked doesn't mean I won't try to make the world a better place. We don't know how much time we have left, and I'd like for it to stay that way.
  7. Maybe you could get more people to watch it you made them accept that we've basically fucked ourselves over when it comes to this whole "civilized society" thing.
  8. Meh... who cares? The Arctic Circle will be completely ice-free by the end of the year. We're gonna have bigger problems to deal with than a failing cartoon block.
  9. Since it was the first weekend of the new year, I can't say I'm expecting great numbers for the 11:30P Super. It'll probably get up to its predicted numbers once people become numb to the current political situation and start watching more TV as a coping mechanism.
  10. I have no real desire to watch Idol Incidents, but in a year where the President of the United States is about to be a reality TV show star, trying to would make me feel uncomfortable. I'd be reminded every other minute of how too many people think there will actually be a nuclear war because this particular guy has the codes. The Simpsons: "Das Bus" Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Needledrop" and "Urges" when it aired on [as] BAKUON!! #9 [if we're all gonna die, we should do it in style]
  11. I actually watched the first episode of this show last week while it aired, though I didn't catch yesterday's episode. It was pretty decent. Stoopid Monkey seems to be better at creating wholly original material than the same tired parodies on Robot Chicken week after week. I've enjoyed the DC Comics specials that just go wild with the characters while actually having a plot, and SuperMansion seems to be an extension of that. The voice acting was pretty good, for one. I enjoyed Bryan Cranston's return to more humorous roles as Titanium Rex. Also, I guess that was supposed to be Keegan Michael Key as the angry drill sergeant? I can't help but be reminded of his role in the Bad Guys pilot as being similar to this.
  12. There were some rather brutal TV schedules it went up against, including at least one with a primetime boxing match. It never really stood a chance. I can think of other situations where the ratings went that low. How about Venture Bros. in the 8:00P hour shortly after [as] got it in April 2014?
  13. Ben quit this place? I guess that must have been caused by... an incident. And maybe I could hear about it.
  14. Probably because new packaging, just like good, truthful journalism, costs money.
  15. I'm glad that they're taking a more nuanced approach to Super and not slapping a TV-PGLV on most episodes.
  16. I've already watched Battle of Gods, and I bought Resurrection 'F' a couple of days ago at Best Buy. So I'm good for this first season, but I'll watch it anyway, because I'm dumb have nothing better to do. [degeneration of society]
  17. 8:30 is former CN time. And it's airing right after Dragon Ball Super, which at least fits the theme.
  18. Presumably. Though I guess there's nothing stopping them from airing reruns separate from Toonami as the new episodes premiere.
  19. Permanent schedule proof in case it changes: Bad for Jman, fun for others.
  20. I meant that by airing separately, it would not replace any other show. Regardless, the wording I used is pretty bad. >
  21. I know I talked about having reservations about predicting the next Toonami show, but Attack on Titan S2 does seem like a good pick to succeed JoJo's on April 29th. And then they could jump into Stardust Crusaders after it's done, which helps out variety. I fully expect Samurai Jack to be its own thing, and premiere separate from the rest of the block.
  22. Indeed it was, Poke. I also remember that episode having a Speed Racer parody... albeit a rather stereotypical one.
  23. JoJo's marathon suddenly doesn't look so bad now. O0 They messed up Shelter's timeslot, but as you can see, it doesn't matter much. It probably got around 670K in total.
  24. I heard they were making a second season of Bedtime Stories. I have no idea when it's going to drop, but it should be good.
  25. Whoa, whoa, slow down there, buckaroo. Why in the shit are we already discussing a schedule change that isn't going to happen for nearly four months? I'm not answering this right now. Let's just enjoy the next few months of anime shows without any worrying. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
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