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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Praying won't do too much, I'm afraid. You should either call your congresspeople or participate in protest rallies.
  2. Even though I do an in-depth analysis of every show I watch and rate, I do have to share my thoughts on most of them. Well, at least the ones which haven't been cemented into anime lore by every single take given to them. Bakuon!!, Episode 11: "Bicycles!!" And so that's almost it. Next week, I'll finish this series and tell you my plan for the future of me rating various anime shows.
  3. At this point, it's either, air DB Super at 11:00 along with the 8:00 showing, or move everything back a half-hour so Super airs at midnight. Given what happened the last time they tried a move en masse, I don't think they'd be willing to do it. Though this time, it's merely a nuisance for people who now have to stay up a half-hour later to watch their favorite shows, but it might also take them beyond their stamina. Or they could air DBS at 8:00 only, but that would be weird.
  4. Yup, March 11th; one week before the 20th anniversary celebration. This is from an [adult swim] bumper. CabooseJR might post it up at some point. Get hyped! And prepare to fight for the world to still exist by that date.
  5. You wouldn't have that problem if Xfinity/other provider's cable guide gave us the synopses. DBS, DBZ Kai, JoJo's, and Gundam Unicorn's are all missing, and JoJo's actually had them for the first ten episodes, which makes the sudden loss all the more confusing. Maybe this explains why the ratings are a bit lower than usual.
  6. Likewise. [get down, Mr. Brexit!]
  7. BAKUON!! #11 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Momentary" and "Baffler Meal" Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: (yesterday's episode) Yuri!!! on ICE #1 [stake through the heart]
  8. Pretty much. And Love Live! just introduced the first anime season featuring a new idol group, which means a whole lot more new merchandise to buy and more capital for company to claim.
  9. http://www.animeherald.com/2017/01/18/crunchyroll-parent-ellation-lays-off-17-employees-following-acquisition/ ...yeah. This ain't a particularly good thing, guys. I do think it should be stated that this has nothing to do with the status of CR as a company; it's basically laid out in there that they're doing better than ever before. But I guess an acquisition of an engineering company happened and now they have to lay off a few engineers as well as other notable people who've been involved with the brand, including a major contributor to their social media pages. My heart goes out to all the people who were laid off, and I really hope the company isn't negatively affected much by this. It's especially notable to consider given how much they've catered to anime fans over the years.
  10. Wasn't this thread already made before? My first guess was that the original copy was moved to Dumpster Fires, but I guess it got deleted in its entirety. S:
  11. Imagine being a different person in this country that actually cares about such a thing.
  12. Heh... good luck getting 2M viewers if even Family Guy can't hold 75% of that. Maybe we should all stop the fuss over ratings and put our emotions into activism instead.
  13. Next week's episode is rated TV-PGLS. You may get your nudity right then and there.
  14. No, I ain't taking no breaks... not this time, at least. I must make up for apathy. Bakuon!!, Episode 10: "Juniors!!"
  15. Blatch


    It's been here for a while. Always accepting new people who enjoy the gab.
  16. There were a ton of ads for food and restaurants on this week's Toonami, so much so that it managed to do what I thought wouldn't happen until Food Wars were to join the block and made me crave a chicken sandwich. I don't know if it's normal and maybe I just now realized it or if it was a freak occurrence. I'm telling you: Always get the Pierre Drive-Thru brand stuff. It actually tastes like something other than canner grade meat and has a very satisfactory plump feeling. I love it when the juice caresses down my throat.
  17. Kantai Collection #8
  18. Also, the return of Samurai Jack(off) at 8:30.
  19. Well... I got spoiled on that one thanks to Poke, but I can't wait to see it live on the air. The last Toonami of the Obama administration is gonna be great.
  20. BAKUON!! #10 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #1 [somehow possibly a spoiler]
  21. Well, Poke has been dominating the thread again for what seems like a while now, so this is as good of a time as any for me to barge back in. Bakuon!!, Episode 9: "New Students!!" [more delicious than a Woo Woo Grub]
  22. For a casual fan who has Amazon Prime, having to pay extra to get their anime fix is pretty annoying. But if they don't have Amazon Prime, it's downright cruel. Having to pay five dollars on top of the existing fee of at least nine per month isn't ideal for everyone. And I can't imagine they'd do much with the rest. They have that show with Nazis controlling most of the world, but why would we bother with it when the real thing is about to start up and we can watch it on the news for free? I guess we'll just look at this thing go and see if it can make money. I'll be pissed if they get a show I actually want to watch (I mean, my family does have Amazon Prime through an accident, but we'd have to pay extra since I'm not on the plan), but other than that, I wish them no bad will.
  23. Well... if you watch at least 75% of your anime legally, that's the least I can ask for. I just don't watch it illegally at all because that's what the kind man upstairs told me. And if you're a money-strapped college student, I guess I sympathize with you. At least I can still pay for Crunchyroll by selling random shit on eBay. :L
  24. I was expecting Masquerade to make a comment about the old-ass art style, but it would be him complaining about the lack of cel dirt. Either way, I think it's a refreshing change of pace.
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