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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. It's pretty callous to say that you should have killed yourself when you had no idea of how shitty it would be. Unless, of course, it would have been after November 8th. As for me, I didn't do a whole lot of exciting stuff... but I did graduate from high school. And I got to watch a lot of good anime with all of you wonderful people. So those were both notable wins.
  2. Welp. Mistakes were made, and I have easily accepted them. Hopefully, the full video will play during another edition of Toonami, or maybe on Pre-Flight.
  3. So... hey guys. Happy New Year. From the home office in Plaistow, New Hampshire, I wish you guys and girls well. I just saw Shelter air on American cable TV, and while I'm happy for Toonami to have given it exposure, I did not like the TV cut of it at all. How ironic is it for this to be advertised as "Toonami's first subtitled work" and yet all the parts with subs are cut out? There wasn't a content rating, either, so I guess they must not have considered it as important as the High on Fire vid or Scavengers. And on top of all of that, the ending was surgically removed, basically robbing the short of the best chance it had at an emotional impact. If you liked the vid, I ask of you to either check out the YouTube upload ( ) or watch it on Crunchyroll, because those are the best ways to experience it. And I guess I'm happy Toonami played the video because it lead to my most wicked tweet ever, but... yeah. Good exposure, bad presentation. But at least they tried, as the good star-shaped meme says.
  4. Well, for starters, I'd like to thank my friend Poke for capitalizing on this thread with some more 3-gatsu reviews. But, with less than an hour left in the year (on the east coast), it's time for me to break open the door and give you all what you've been waiting for. And now, if I may... Bakuon!!, Episode 8: "Winter Break!!" [see you on the other side]
  5. BAKUON!! #8 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Flipmode"
  6. So you guys are telling me that a lineup promo already aired on [as] without anyone else noticing? I would've figured someone on Twitter had pointed it out to CabooseJR.
  7. I'm just hoping the species gets it shit together at some point. In the meantime, I'll embrace nihilism and support change for what gets in the way of my pleasure.
  8. Actually, you're thinking of FEMA camps. And cisgendered white people will be headed there, too.
  9. Biiiiiiingo. More people are famous right now than at any other point in history for more reasons than ever, thanks to our celebrity-oriented culture. It makes sense that more famous people are dying because of that.
  10. Replaying the movie also would have been more expensive.
  11. Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: "December 19, 2016" (title not found) Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Late Show" Shonen Maid #1 [hey Poke: You ever get the suit mucus?]
  12. And why is One Piece still on Toonami anyway? And why do we complain so much?
  13. You heard that right: It's technically better than nuclear war!
  14. And LittleKuriboh was the guy who describes the movie for blind people, just like in The Force Awakens.
  15. Exactly. There was a post on the front page of Reddit, from /r/ShowerThoughts, about how people are going to be bummed when famous people continue to die in 2017. I'm shocked that somebody had to think about that before coming to the conclusion. News flash: More people are famous than ever before, and the people who were famous when you were young are really old now, and they're gonna die. So I expect this to be the new normal going foward. [and we haven't even gotten into politics yet]
  16. I got a new computer chair, a Keurig coffee maker, and a T-Shirt from the college I go to, among other notable things. I also padded my anime collection out with the entirety of the original Love Live! on Blu-ray.
  17. On this blessed holiday, the Pant Devil's Evil Twin has finally given you what you wanted... Re:ZERO #12.
  18. True. And my grandparents are serving turkey for the Day of Giving this year, which is good because we didn't go there for the previous holiday.
  19. Jeopardy! airs on CBS where I live, too. In fact, I think the majority of stations where it airs on CBS, and I've never heard of an NBC affiliate airing the show.
  20. I think this has more to do with Sony not owning any cable TV channels of their own, so any network that wants a Crackle show could get one. I see episodes of Sports Jeopardy! filling a lot of airspace on NBC Sports Network.
  21. Mmm... nice Dia. Kantai Collection #6 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "The Justice Hole" and "Knifin' Around" [you don't know from fun!]
  22. Well, I guess that's the true end of the ASMB. I figured I'd let you guys ride it out over there in the darkness while I used the shiny new board given to me by a gilded moderator. I did take advantage of the alternate boards to save the content ratings threads me and Poke made. He'll probably like this: http://web.archive.org/web/20161114005848/http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/topic/4780/when-things-go-splat-a-blatch-review-special-now-at-v2 http://web.archive.org/web/20161114010433/http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/topic/4805/a-general-thread-for-content-ratings-aficionados-now-with-shogi-and-biker-schoolgirls http://web.archive.org/web/20161114010303/http://boards.staging.adultswim.com/topic/15795/pokenirvash-s-oreimo-review-series-revived-unmarked-spoilers-ahead
  23. Well, having tons of nukes for the President to use is one thing. I'm just paranoid that, when the arsenal shifts from a calm and collected ruler like President Obama to Trump... well, he has a short temper. And he wonders why we can't use these destructive weapons if we have them.
  24. I'm being serious, by the way. Upon hearing about Trump's insistence on building up a nuclear arsenal (and his friend Putin agreeing with it), I have come to the conclusion that we are fucked. Somebody's going to insult him, he's going to retaliate by blowing them up, and then the whole fucking world will be screwed. Not to mention all of the other horrible shit that could do us in. I could see a bunch of people dying due to the effects of climate change before the year is out. If we make it to the end of next year alive, I might as well renounce my nihilism... or not, since we'll still have three more years of this shit to go.
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