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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. So the on-air schedule finally updated, and we have Toonami schedules for the next two weeks of December, including the 17th. All I'll say about that one is... if you were expecting a replay of Children Who Chase Lost Voices, prepare to be disappointed.
  2. Here's something I'll say up front: I never actually read the Intruder 2 comic. Mostly because other people said it sucked. As for Trapped, I do feel genuinely enthusiastic about that one, so I'll get to it eventually.
  3. Ouche. With ratings this bad, they'll probably go back to airing a Thanksgiving marathon in 2017. Though really, the whole of November of this year has been down. So who (or what) do we blame for this? [probably not politics]
  4. I'll give DeMarco credit for sticking to the platitudes. He wants to make Gundam popular again, and even airing a mediocre series in the eyes of Toonami's fans won't dent his aspirations. As for the poll, I picked Mob Psycho 100 if only because there's adequate evidence to suggest that it's already coming to the block.
  5. Woah, holy crap. I posted my thread one second earlier. Talk about a snipe. [but I'm not sure if you can delete threads]
  6. Now, what was this DeMarco said about there being a permanent Gundam slot...? Well then.
  7. Heh... I dunno. [looks in the mirror] Cool.
  8. Shows: Dragon Ball Z Kai: Well, Goku is dead, but he won't be for long, and it's not as if I care or anything. Intruder 3: Between the Vindication taking flight and the new baby alien worm joining the team, this was a solid finale to the saga. I guess that makes him the first organic member of any Toonami broadcasting crew (I would have said biological, but I'm not sure how Moltar works...). The new packaging: I love it! There's a lot of Tron lines and a general electric feel. And some of it is recycled from the Shogo 162 graphic set, but that's okay, since even I think overhauling the block every single year is overkill. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: I wasn't as keen on this episode due to me finishing up and overdue Computer Science assignment, but I liked what I saw here. But that didn't include the latter half at all. Gundam: IBO: So they're going to Edmonton... eh? Hunter × Hunter: For as much as I like the world building, they ripped a lot of the mystique out of Heaven's Arena by directly telling us what was on the top floors. That's fairly lame. I was also just a little bit surprised that Gon and Killua didn't have to go back and beat up more challengers to reach the 200th floor again, even though, now that I think of it, such a thing would be virtually impossible to pull off. But they would have anyway. Also, Spike Spencer is doing LA voice roles now? I hope he was the voice of the Beyblade-wielding dude. Naruto: Shippuden: :-X One Piece: Luffy just OD'd on shadows. Let's hope he can maintain sentience long enough to wash my worries of this show away. This was probably the first time in months I became hyped up for OP as a result of watching the episode, and I hope that doesn't change. [stand by for free Peter Chiarelli napkin] Commercials: Sister Wives: This show must be the reason Donald Trump was elected. Bob's Burgers: I am honestly quite amazed that [as] promotes it so much. It's been months since Family Guy was last promoted for new episodes but Bob's has had several of them. Non-Holiday Christmas Specials: Sweet, another night of pilots. The promo even feels like it's from the late 2000's. I'm probably looking forward to The Hindenburg Explodes! the most, if only to see how Rob Corddry can mine such irreverent material out of a tragedy. That doesn't even sound like the kind of show you can sustain for very long. Taco Bell Steakhouse Burrito/Nachos: Taco Bell is my favorite fast food chain of all, so naturally, I've already eaten both of these. In fact, I just had the Steakhouse Burrito today. It didn't even taste that much like its namesake, but it had tons of goopy sour cream, cheese, bacon bits, and the steak, which doesn't really seem all that different from the steak in a Steak Quesadilla, but it's good. And I like how the thing comes with chips and somewhat genuine (spicy!) queso, and not the artificially colored and flavored radioactive orange stuff. I have my guilty pleasures, but real food is always better. Pair that shit up with a Mountain Dew Sangrita Blast (my favorite!), and you're good to go. It's certainly a step up from the Steakhouse Nachos, which I had last week at the recently re-opened renovated Taco Bell on the other side of town (which is a story for another post, since this is getting long), and was unable to finish. That one is definitely meant for sharing with friends, maybe with a burrito of your own on the side. And speaking of the actual commercial, I like the Bell's sudden shift into loose Old Spice-ian surreal humor. They've also came up with the new logo, which looks almost identical in print aside from a strange purple gradient. I could say how it reminds me of the most favorite virtual pet website for most of my life, but then it'd look like I was jacking off. In fact, maybe it was a subliminal message to get me to play Neopets again? [x2]
  9. Bakuon!!, Episode 6: "Prep!!"
  11. I came expecting major announcements, but all I got was another Toonami comic. B- troll. Though I guess it's certainly worthy of the distinction.
  12. I understand that reference. ;D Also, at least you didn't have to cross out any TV-MAs.
  13. Kantai Collection #2 (rewatch) Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "Kentucky Nightmare" [this indentation is a bitch]
  14. And it probably still won't, given DeMarco's pecuilar tastes. =3
  15. As you may or may not have noticed, I didn't post on this past Sunday. You see, I was thinking of taking a week off for the Thanksgiving holiday, but after a sordid weekend of ennui and playing Neopets flash games, I've decided to treat this particular week as being skipped, and this Sunday will bring a post for the new episode. In the meantime, carry on with yourselves. [username is gordy_777; side (for communication) is blatch0]
  16. Youch... not good ratings-eses for these times. Running the normal lineup on Thanksgiving weekend will probably turn out to be a wise decision... or at least we all hope so.
  17. My Wife is the Student Council President #2 and #3 [orgasms all in a row]
  18. Even going off of the name alone, he certainly has a pedigree.
  19. Also, every so often, I get a bunch of replies on my screen from topics I posted in weeks ago. I don't even know if it's a glitch or a regular feature, but I wish I had a way to prevent that from happening.
  20. Well, I like that this forum now looks more legitimate, but I wish the bolded words weren't harder to discern. ??? Intruder 3: Well, you all asked for a new TOM, but you ended up getting a new SARA. She's much smaller now, but she has a body again, and that's really all that matters. I'm still hoping for the big reveal to be that the Vindication Base is actually a ship, and that it will take off once Shogo 162 is almost finished imploding. But there's the issue of what might happen if a sand worm hitches along for the ride. I hope they get the friendliest one to travel with them. Seriously, it could be a friendly sand worm, voiced by Marieve Herington, and it would be the best thing to come out of 2016. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Good episode. I guess Dio's newest power is to engage Halloween mode and summon zombies. I bet AL-err, Owlchemist got his morning wood from that. And the scene at the end where Jonathan needed just a little bit of oxygen from below a rock was pretty clever. It's the little things involved with the show that make me moist. Hunter × Hunter: Now I'm interested to see how high Heaven's Arena actually goes. I bet there's a floor cut-off where all battles are fought to the death. And it was nice to see Hisoka again plus the IDOLM@STER producer character base model. One Piece: Now I'm just agonizing over how slow this thing has become. And now it's time for commercials: Generic Tax Defense Thing: Seeing this ad somewhat pisses me off because I feel it has the same "no better option available" quality as the Gerber Life ads Hack-SIGN_John used to go on about. Though I do get a kick out of how Bob Eubanks mangles the enunciation of "hrrrefund". Pop Tarts: Okay, this one just pisses me off. I get that seeing the titular Tarts get their comeuppances is the point of the campaign, but this one is just oddly cruel. The A&W Root Beer and Orange Crush Tarts go to get soda, but the pump is aimed directly at their faces, and it shoots enough soda to make them unable to move. My god, that lady is just fucking savage. DBZ/One Piece Mobile Games: Which get advertised, and not Love Live!: School Idol Festival anywhere. Not even on Mnet America. [...]
  21. Last Week Tonight, "President-elect Trump" Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, "November 14th, 2016" (yes, that's what it's actually called) BAKUON!! #6 Sakura Trick #2 (rewatch) [i sympathize with Billy Eichner]
  22. There's no doubt in my mind that the big UFC event and *ahem* Dave Chappelle on SNL knocked Toonami down. Check back next Tuesday for ratings that don't fit in your echo chamber.
  23. Eh... I think it varies from week to week. It's usually based on how much I'm enjoying the shows and if there's something in particular I want to see. One thing's for sure, though: After watching the extended Toonami block with Children Who Chase Lost Voices earlier this month, I don't miss the block as it used to be. 5.5 hours (or even worse, 6.5) is too much of a slog.
  24. I now I just did a post on Wednesday (technically Thursday... morning?), so this is a quick turnaround. Since that one got delayed first, I figured it was my duty to post on the normal day. Bakuon!!, Episode 5: "Touring!!"
  25. I technically haven't watched anything new, but here are my first KanColle snaps for the people (if there are any, other than Poke of course) who want them:
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