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Everything posted by ELDEMONIO

  1. WHat's ITLS?
  2. With all the bad stuff happening in this world, I feel I should share this "Faith in Humanity restored" moment.
  3. I have no idea. As a guy, it's definently a color I would want. Make sure to clean it's fur.:O
  4. That'd make a great wedding dress.
  5. *triggered again* Now you will see my second form! bwahahahahaha!!!
  6. Gotta keep them in check and tell your boss you're not sick and bring it up to HR if she keeps doing this. Talk to her first and tell her to stop joking because you don't want any misunderstanding from your boss. If all else fails, battle her in the Shadow Realm?
  7. Ace Ventura' Rhino scene' Oscar worthy performance
  8. Cereal choice of the poolympics! :O
  9. I hope you don't work in a hospital, couse that would be bad you know.
  10. I hope they do. Some people don't like it and want politics separate from sports, movies, and tv shows. But Black Lives matter ain't politics. It's about a group of people getting killed without any consequenses for police who shoot first and don't even ask questions later. It's not about being a liberal or a conservative. It's about not being a douch or an assh*le. If we stop showing or talking about it, we will just move on and not vote for changes. Remember about them shootings? Can we talk about gun control now that we prayed and gve moments of silence? Being quiet about it in sports or other entertainment means ignoring it and letting other people solve it when in reality, everyone has to put their part no matter how small it is.
  11. When I saw that it was black and white, you're dam right I saw him as purty gewd. Alright, I give in. 30$. It's over the retain price but I want it now.
  12. Ok. 25$. And that's as high as I can go.
  13. I can buy it off from you. but.......
  14. Last drink I had was back in like April 15th I think? I feel yah bro. Seeing the world sober and not being able to have a drink after a long shift hella sucks. Especially when I went to a party a while ago and another in my house last week.:(
  15. Can't wait for the cool CGI fighting.:O
  16. That's actually not a bad idea. The wingman tends to end up with the friend and have crazy smex and live a happy life and travel to Italy while the main cast fight and try to figure their lives out.
  17. I liked him in that movie Big. Crazy how he played a 10yr old trapped in a adult body and then sleeps with his coworker.
  18. I'm ok being the token brown friend who shows up for like 2 scenes and is never mentioned again.
  19. Just tip next time. But just the tip.
  20. Is this a plot for a Halmark movie? Except, without the anal.
  21. I do love me some Becky Lynch. Shamus is a close 3rd
  22. They might add and remove stuff over time. Would be interesting if they throw random new series only for HBO like new Eric Andre or something.
  23. Still the only coach to lead a team to a perfect season.
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