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Everything posted by ELDEMONIO

  1. Some old guy showing me how to eat a watermelon. Pornhub is hella educational.
  2. Lol me has accent mkay!
  3. So you're Ant-Man now?
  4. I have so much hate that i'm back in 20hateteen Drinking that Haterade. 'Spread the hate!"
  5. Because you never come over anymore.:(
  6. Glad we both can finally agree on something. You meanie.
  7. He's coming back next year against CM Punk or something.
  8. Couse you killed him You murderer.
  9. except a harem.:O
  10. idk. i ain't a chef. Maybe baking? I heard you can bake fish with panko crust on it.
  11. They both found out you're cheating on them. This isn't an anime.You can't have both,
  12. This is why no one likes Texas. All they care is about gungs and BBQ. Can't you cook it yourself? Use panko if you don't want to grill it.
  13. The broth is a big key for it. It has to be boiled for hours. I ate some in Japan and nothing compaires to it. I had one in SF and it came close. But the broth does make the difference how how long they cook it to let the spices spread.
  14. Maybe you had it coming? You jerk.
  15. Like Lucky Charms and Pepsi zero?
  16. Debt. Being broke and owing thousands turns you to unconventinal side jobs.
  17. idk. they work well for me working with machinery. why mess with perfection?:O
  18. Been years since I last drew a person and I must say, My skills are just as sharp as before.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
  19. Yeah, one time as a kid. I had my marbles in my bag and it ripped and I didn't know so all my marbles spilled as the school bus was coming. I tried getting as much as I could but other kids took some too so that was a really sad day for me.:(
  20. I used google. Less pain and convenient at home. See you tomorrow at work.! ☺️ *cough cough*
  21. He hasn't been in any movies recently so he's not important anymore.
  22. I met bigfoot once. He seemed cool. He did ask $5 from me after I took a pic with him so that was kinda rude. Who knew of all places, he would be in Vegas?
  23. Oh no, Not again. Not like last time!😠
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