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Everything posted by ELDEMONIO

  1. Hard to tell when you are wearing those sunglasses. But I bet money that you are!
  2. What about a horse?
  3. eh
  4. If you fap to a trap, you gay.
  5. Loves pizza and knows how to have a shell of a time.
  6. One time I got so mad at my brother that I got soda and mixed it with syrup and offered it as a peace treaty. I told him,"I got you some soda because I'm sorry we fought and I want to make peace with you" Obviously 3 minutes later he dranked it at threw a hizzy fit and tried making me drink it. I never did drink it but he was mad the entire day. So if someone is mad at you, just give them soda with syrup.:)
  7. That's a reallt good show with a strong premise and storyline. The character have depth and a great backstory. Why you hatin? Also, i have never seen that show and know nothing about it. Is it really trash?
  8. Woman have every right to pop pimples.
  9. Another confession. I once stole a box of crayons when I was like 6 and as me and mom mom where leaving, the manager came towards us near the exit. Except instead of stopping me, he stopped another kid with his mom. I don't know what happened after that but I would like to formally apologize for doing that. I was young and I wanted those crayons. I promise I never stole anything after that. Besides a slim jim at a walmart years later when I was like 25.
  10. After 25+ yrs, I have yet to return that Garfield book I got from the library. Everytime I walk in there, I assume the security guy will look at me and tackle me down and beat me and ask why I haven't returned the book yet. I know they have a record of it somewhere in their archives. And if they find out, I may owe them millions at this point. Sorry I lost the book.:(
  11. God I hate retail. Glam i'm out of it. Drink 5hr energy shots!
  12. Good luck! 17yrs ago shouldn't be used against you since it was back when dinosaurs roamed the earth.
  13. Not sure how i'll title it but it will start out like this.
  14. Idk. I usually go to Groupon to get discounts on my car repaires. A smog check usually is around $70 and I used Groupom to pay half of that. I guess research your specific car and go from their.
  15. The Demon King! BWAHAAHAHAHA!!!! :D :D Not to be confused with The Demon King Finn Balor.


    But cable is expensive. Like $100 a month.
  17. Dominos has really good pizza and for cheap if you order it online. It's like $5.99 but the toppings are to die for.
  18. On the outside On the inside
  19. Thanks! I became a hero while I was gone as a second job.
  20. It's mating season. That's his matting ritual to attract a mate. Mate. <3
  21. From the dead and from the so call "real life" and am here to tear sh*t up! let my reign as IB king continue!
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