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Everything posted by ELDEMONIO

  1. So, they just flying in space and letting Captain Kirk bang any alien women he sees?
  2. Yeah....I never watched Star trek except like the movie. So, are they like the Guardians of the Galaxy in space?
  3. Rambo(the new one) 7/10. It was alright. Violent but ok Onward 7/10. Was expecting more but the ending was definently different and not what I expected. Could of thrown a leperchaun at least. Bird of prey 8/10 cheesy jokes but they still nail. good fighting and was good the way they showed character's background without being 30 minutes long. Good watch. Dr.Doodlittle(the RDJ one) 6/10. Was ok but never really cathces your attention. RDJ, please don't play a british man. You played a black man MUCH better.
  4. I haven't played it but I blame your internet and scratched disk for the slow gameplay.
  5. Senor pink? Is that you?! 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲
  6. Don;t forget your seat belt!
  7. Okie dokie. Dam, that's disapointing. ehh, I guess it's not too bad. I'm taking a break from anime anyway. Might give me time to search for other series worth watching later this year.


    You gotta stop feeding him Lasagne. And tacos
  9. *See's the word overdrive*
  10. It's a good movie. A lot of fan service. Not emotional as Z but still in par with it.
  11. I take it the CGI will be imcomplete and We will get to see Superman's mustach?
  12. Death Note on Netflix. CutieHoney That's all I know.
  13. I've only watched Slayer and in was in Spanish Dub in Mexico. It was cool. Never saw the other other one.
  14. So skip it?
  15. Well dam, that was harsh.
  16. Money Heist. My brother recommended it to me and was really pushing it. He never pushes anything on me but he was passionate on this so I gave it a shot. Really good show. He told me I looked like the professor. Aside from the beard, I do have his hair and glasses and talk quiet like him. Denver's laugh. OMG Classic.XD
  17. Pollo Loco. I ate there 1 time and when I took a bite from the chicken leg, I saw blood and some dripped from my mouth. Never again.
  18. Lol probably. I was out of work for 2 months so my body got lazy. But i'm sure it will get back in shape. And I have been looking for a new job. Just gotta finish my resume.
  19. Dam, That sucks. At least we have memories to look back to.
  20. I saw a episode of it when I went to Japan last year in a random resting room. For a year I tried googleling it and only had 1 pic of it from my phone. Thank you Bing for your image search and finding it. Dam you Google for slacking of. Is this a good anime? I'm interested because of magic and stuff.
  21. By the time I get out of work, I just feel like colapsing so standng for 12hrs makes it hard to walk.
  22. Yoko Kanno is a Goddest. Only other person who can rival her is Yuki Kajiura.
  23. I had those like in 5th grade. Only cool kids had those pants. I wish they would come back.
  24. Is that The Anaheim Ducks logo?
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