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Everything posted by Stonergoth187

  1. *pokes with stick* ... o.o I think I saw it twitch.. *pokes* ...nope
  2. Happy Birf'n Day!!
  3. Happy Birf'n Day!!
  4. "Marathon learning" lol that's bullshit! Students have every right to learn however they learn. It's the student's who are paying tuition and for the resources. They can use it how they want. If she pulls anything, go above her head. I mean, she can check all she wants, as long as that shit doesn't effect your grade.
  5. high
  6. niiice!! needs moar mamimi tho
  7. that is the dumbest shit i've ever seen so yeah. you'll get it
  8. Screen shot and post your current desktop/mobile screen it's rad!!
  9. No problem ^.^ I like doing this sorta thing
  10. sorry for all the edits and posts n shit, i'm still trying to get the hang of this forum
  11. I don't see anything wrong with it, but I figured it could be the dimensions so i made it bigger
  12. Just throwing this out there. (i couldn't find a folder that addresses this) but if you guys want any designs or crap i'm free to help out. I miss doing art stuff.
  14. Present!
  15. same boat same fucking boat i'm in.
  16. he has a shadow for a smile that was worth my while our embraces and the fragrance of his fabrics but i know i can be sporadic and if any other girl were ever grazed by his smile it's because i made it worth his while
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