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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Kagome, hands down. Now get a job, deadbeat.
  2. Nice smug avatar. But where's the crown?
  3. Blah. Also, hookers and blow.
  4. Rob Halford and Baby Metal. Pretty cool.
  5. Then...don't. There. Problem solved.
  6. Two ways. One way is by dipping them in mustard. It's supposed to be a metabolism thing or something. I don't know. The second -- and better -- way is getting a warm one, preferably made out of sourdough.
  7. Yeah, that's true as well. But I just...can't...STAND the shaky camera. One of my least favorite episodes of South Park was the two-parter that had the boys try to make money by starting their own Peruvian pan flute band. The b-plot was a parody of Cloverfield, in that Randy got a new camera and he is using it to capture everything he does...and I mean everything. (In all honesty, it's actually real funny except for the whole "shaky camera" thing I mentioned.)
  8. Found Footage horror. It's just...why? Why in the fucking world would you want to make something that would make your audience vomit before the point you want them to because the camera's too fucking shaky? You're giving them motion sickness! Fucking bastards.
  9. Will there be refreshments?
  10. Currently on the second season. Love this show. Wish I had started watching it sooner.
  11. You gotta let it bleed when you smoke that weed, homeboy.
  12. I guess I'm gonna die then. I can't withstand breathing in all this fart gas. O GOD WHY DO HUMANS HAVE TO SHIT?!?
  13. It's a true sequel. I heard it's supposed to be a direct sequel and picks up forty years after Halloween II. Everything else has been retconned.
  14. I love your signature. Simple and to the point.
  15. I smell a revival of The Following.
  16. Was ist Jackpot, mein freund?
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