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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Also, this. Because reasons.
  2. Something about how people are dying to get into cemeteries. Do not say it. (Or do say it. They might like it.)
  3. That's okay. I took your place. You're welcome.
  4. Whenever I get bored, I get not bored by doing things.
  5. For the record, I ain't bnjmy. I just wanted to post this. You're welcome.
  6. Unfortunately, mine melted away when I got too close to the furnace. I'm literally a talking skull now. Woot?
  7. He always seemed to post with a stick up his ass, from what I remember.
  8. Has anybody ever heard of her? The reason why I ask is because I've been listening to her music quite a bit lately. And holy crap, she is talented as hell! (Well, was when she started out at 19.) I'm in awe of how mature and innovative her music is, even on her debut album. She's just...wow. (She has a song called "Wow" as well.) This is, by the way, a guy who loves rock and metal, especially progressive stuff...and R.E.M., too. For me to say she's astonishingly wonderful is something indeed. Behold...KATE BUSH! The first song she ever wrote, "The Man With the Child In His Eyes". Off her debut album, The Kick Inside.
  9. Maybe TLC will come and document your life for TV. Hey, you'll be on TV! W00t!
  10. I see. And how does that make you feel?
  11. Bacon is love; bacon is life.
  12. Dr Pepper or an HEB-brand Coke.
  13. Anybody that has any sense about them. Needless to say, that doesn't seem to be you. Seriously, I'd listen to GunStarHero. She's a smart one, that girl.
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