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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Documents> - Choices.txt - PROJECT.txt NewStuff> - Terra (F).png - Quite Cross.jpeg Bizniz> - VR_Form_04-2015.pdf - Auto Insurance ID 03-30-17.pdf Felicity knows words> - Voice 257.m4a - Voice 348.m4a
  2. Shit, dude. Didn't realize things were to that point. We'll fetch you a good razor blade.
  3. Not really. We've only ever had generic ones, typically a thick set for hair and a lighter one for body. The current flavor is dark brown/beige. Before that is was solid green/cream with green stripes. When We were little though, We favored a blue gingham patterned one.
  4. The thought occurs a couple times a month, but only in passing typically. It's been quite some time since We've given it serious attention. We had one particularly rough patch earlier this year where it was prevalent, but before that We'd probably have to go back two years to find another episode. In Our early twenties, it was a near constant struggle. Since then, We've gotten a much better handle on Our depression, and also had some... We don't want to say trauma, but essentially the worst concurrent set of issues in Our entire life that really helped with perspective.
  5. Maybe... If you're naive enough to require this sort of evidence in order to consider the notion of evidence tampering possible. Otherwise, the fact that one specific instance of something like this happening has been brought to light doesn't in the slightest change the probability that it has been happening all along, nor does it suggest that defense attorneys have not been acting accordingly. Sure, in a more ideal world there would be a review. But in an even more ideal world, cops wouldn't be behaving criminally to begin with. And in an even more ideal world yet, no one would. But we don't live in an ideal world, and we don't have an ideal version of due process. But we do have one, and it functions well enough.
  6. i.e. You're doing it wrong.
  7. It feels wrong. And not in that grand, understated way We didn't quite understand until much later that made it's first run so charming.
  8. scoob Hornshire
  9. Lots of people here feel the same way.
  10. Hornshire


    You say that as though it's been any different up to this point.
  11. We'd say you've gone soft. But really, you always were, and are just now comfortable admitting it. Grats.
  12. The church We went to growing up did. It was southern baptist, with a mixed congregation, but still predominately white, though it was closer to 50/50 by the time We went off to college. They weren't regularly scheduled, that We were aware of, but every so often there'd be a luncheon. Sometimes they were for a reason, like they had a Mother's/Daughter's one in May, and there was always one sometime in early fall where we had chili pot pie. Other times it was sort of just because, it seemed.
  13. Getting her is one thing. Keeping her means you better reciprocate.
  14. It's likely. It's plausible he had much success, too. Hence the asteroid.
  15. As if anyone would ever ask such a thing of you. Regardless, it's not uncommon for the mind to block out awful memories, which We can only assume constitute the majority of your existence, as it necessarily includes you.
  16. Well then, you can either do the sensible thing, and join forces with him, overthrow the Emperor, and bring peace and order to the galaxy. Or you can jump off a building like a whiny little bitch. Either way, sorry for your loss. We know how important your right hand was to you.
  17. Nothing, really. We fancy it was a generic, unassuming village in the former nation of Azeroth, lost in the ravages of the first war with the orcs. A would-be testament to the cruel apathy of fate, and the stark absoluteness of death, were it not forgotten from history.
  18. Animaniacs. Far and away. Not that Tiny Toons is bad, by any means. It's just that everything it does, Animaniacs does better, plus more.
  19. It's a more funetic spelling of query. Not super sure why We started using it, as opposed to the old one. Just felt like time for a change. It's not as though We're any more inclined to question things than previously, but We do feel somewhat inclined to advertise it, apparently. On the other hand, the old one was rooted in Warcraft lore. So perhaps Our complete and utter lack of interest in Legion may have prompted the switch.
  20. RPs are dead, Jim.
  21. We are perfectly content in keeping this arrangement.
  22. Indeed. Morons who don't understand the nature of their authority always amuse Us.
  23. Hornshire


    To what end?
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