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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Inquisitress, #600040, if you would be so kind.
  2. What an asshole. When he dies, that shit is totally on him. Cheddar on lasagna. :barf:
  3. Hornshire


    Do you have planets? Stars with planets are the bestest.
  4. No offense meant, but We really doubt you could do anything remotely close to the cesspool of shit, garbage, and more shit that is the current administration. Certainly not better. Ha. Just kidding. Offense totally meant.
  5. You're never going to get far enough with a girl for it to matter.
  6. We do as we please. Your competence, or lack there of, has no bearing on that decision.
  7. Most flat-Earthers still believe Earth to be round, just disc-shaped rather than spherical. We're not certain what you are trying to assert about four days at once... but having a few extremely pronounced horizons doesn't change the way the sun "rises" or "sets" compared to having a continuously transitioning one. There wouldn't be four dawns happening simultaneously, if that's what you're getting at, unless you have four different light sources, and highly concave faces. If, on the other hand, you're simply saying there would only be four time zones, then hows come We have to stay up any later to watch games taking place on the west coast? Also, poles. And gravity.
  8. Depends. "Normal" and "extremely" are very loose terms. And seemingly contradictory. Outside of context, We would say no by default. But answers outside of context are seldom of use. Is it common to grieve after loss? Yes. And generally in proportion to the level of attachment for the thing lost. In the particular case of a job, the best remedy We can suggest is to move on to the next one. Change doesn't happen immediately, though, so for the mean time, some thoughts that may be better to dwell on than your current ones: A job does not define you. Your career as a whole says something, but your current job is only ever that. You were qualified and capable enough to get your previous job. You are now probably more, but certainly not less, equipped to secure an equal, if not better, position. Nothing is permanent. Your previous job, and your next one. Your current mood. Everything... This, too, shall pass.
  9. Selling the drugs involves finding a buyer, verifying their reputableness, preventing any signs of culpability in illegal activities that you are able to, and removing any that you are not. All of which seems tantamount to "work." While certainly possible, We find it highly unlikely that you would accept as payment something that is not itself, nor directly translatable to, "money." Point being, of the two options presented, We fail to see how the later is distinct from the former.
  10. Embedded within a host's flesh.
  11. We were an Allison, among mostly Brian's. You, as far as We can tell, were a mostly Brian among Bender's.
  12. Why do humans in the real world treat humans of other demographics like animals? Suspension of disbelief can only take you so far, and power structures are well beyond that limit. On Joys and Jennys... It's unlikely that they are pokemon. Pokemon within a species aren't identical. They vary in size and shape, and probably a million other things and they only "all look the same" to you because you're a racist bastard. More likely, they are cloned humans. Likelier still, they are androids, programmed for a specific task.
  13. Indeed. For an action to be wrong, it must first be taken. Free speech is a means to lots of cheap talk.
  14. History remembers people for being noteworthy. Not petulant and insecure.
  15. So that's your role model. Things make a little more sense now, but you know, Short Round was never meant to be an inspiring figure...
  16. Small wonders never cease in this amazing world we live in.
  17. Meh. Not as bad as jerks who can't distinguish between dolphins and porpoises.
  18. Maybe you could actually post those allegedly brilliant things, instead just saying them- as opposed to the inane hapless drivel you typically inundate these boards with.
  19. Hornshire


    Ask a director to put you in a movie. When he says no, have some friends cut off the head of his favorite horse or daughter or whatever. Keep that for a trophy, and leave the rest of the body on his front lawn.
  20. You're so imaginative, kitten. You should write books. You could be the next Stephenie Meyer.
  21. Mostly. Just call that guy a shit or something, and you've got it.
  22. Most people just pick it up by interacting with their friends. But if you've never had any, it makes sense that you would resort to that.
  23. So, just for the sake of argument... Let's suppose We really were this horseshine person you speak of. We're not sure what it is in particular that makes you think We are them... But if We were- you know, hypothetically- and was actually trying to hide it, We most certainly wouldn't be doing those things. Especially surface things like font style and pronoun choice and sig composition. So since those elements- whatever they may be- are apparently present, it's pretty telling that We're not them. Or else We are, but making no effort no conceal it. And if the later were true... why would We bother to explicitly confirm something so blatantly obvious?
  24. Sounds like you're her bitch now. Nicely done.
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