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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Hornshire


    We're generally kind. But nice is a luxury people can do without.
  2. The users you should avoid are the ones that are assholes. Contrary to popular belief, political affiliation does not determine that. And for the record:
  3. Yes. This was Our desktop background for so long.
  4. Hornshire


    Despite eating it several times a week, We kind of hate it. We're just super lazy and don't want to cook, and it's basically too convenient to resist.
  5. Beauty fades. That is why it is beautiful.
  6. Hornshire


    We were on board with this plan up until the assuming part. One should never assume. The Dutchman can do just fine without a captain.
  7. Not really. For most people that We want dead, We don't care where their carcass ends up.
  8. 0060bf
  9. Well, We prefer dealing with ideas or systems rather than people or aesthetics, We're pretty keen at spatial visualization, and We're more emotionally closed off than your typical robot. So... maybe?
  10. Wonder how many of his kids they're going to name in the obit...
  11. There is now a fierce internal struggle being waged between Our contrarian nature and Our apathy. We'll let you know when it's resolved. Maybe.
  12. Not gonna lie... We laughed at this. We feel so very unclean right now.
  13. Indeed. We also found this line to be resoundingly pertinent: Too often, it seems, people circle the building looking for some sort of entrance, determined that it can't be the lit up set of doors in front, with the "pull" sign. First impressions are dismissed, not even processed, as though there is some path to the subsequent thoughts that is wholly disconnected from the initial reading. There's also this stigma that not having a complete understanding makes any partial sense of meaning worthless, which is completely untrue. If this were the case, nobody would know anything. People need only engage with material to get out of it what they can, and when ready for more, go deeper.
  14. We liked The Fountainhead. But We've never picked up any of her other works. She writes in terms of absolutes, and her characters are neither human nor dynamic. From what We've heard from people who have read it, Atlas Shrugged is worse in this department.; as has been repeated in this thread, the dialogue is blatantly her espousing her philosophy, with the barest of narratives tacked around that. The ideas it deals with are caricature and hyperbole, and anything of worth that can be gained from it can also be gained from common sense. The only reason to spend your time on it would be if you really liked her views, or you want to have an in-depth, legitimate discussion with someone about it.
  15. We liked it when it first came out. We doubt We would now.
  16. Hornshire


    That's retarded. If dude has such a hard-on for metaphorically shooting people, he should invest in a copy of GTA, instead of not using the words that were specifically intended for the card game, like "raise". Is that super common, or just this one douchebag?
  17. Dogs taste better.
  18. No. We dodged that bullet. Technically, it wasn't so much Us dodging, as the one holding the gun having really lousy aim. Either way, freedom.
  19. So... We're not actually going to be silly. But We are contributing. Or participating. Or maybe just existing within the vicinity. Call it what you will. Except silly. Because it's definitely not.
  20. Hornshire


    The Admin is dead. We did not know Luuv as well as many of you, but We have always appreciated the work he put into the boards, be it the various incarnations of ASMB or UE. He never ceased his efforts to make the community a better place, and though there may have been decisions not everyone agreed with, there is no question about his dedication and passion to that cause. It was all too often a thankless task, and We regret that We never took the time, while We had it, to let him know the extent of Our gratitude. His presence will be missed, as we endure. And endure we shall, for endure we must. It would be far too shameful to leave the fruits of his labor to rot. But as has been stated, in his absence thus far we have continued. And though none can say what other curveballs the future has to throw, there is no reason We see, that that should change anytime soon. We do not know what a board without Luuv looks like, but it is we, ourselves, who make it, so we should strive to make it something fitting of his memory, something he would be proud of. The Admin is dead. Long live the Admin.
  21. You're one of those pricks who shouts "Freebird" unironically, aren't you?
  22. Google doodle frequently says otherwise. Besides, people only ever have one actual birthday. Everything else is just a commemoration of that event. And said event is not magically erased from history upon death. An end to one's life does not mean that it never began.
  23. Walmart's apology is even less reputable than Kidney. They start off by saying the sign has been taken down. Later they say they are trying to figure out what location it's at... So if they don't know the location of the store, how can they possibly now the status of the sign? It's purely PR bull shit, and gives no validity to the photo. Furthermore, the mashable article linked further down in the tweet chain now notes that this was a prank. It doesn't explicitly say it was photoshopped, so maybe it's "real" in the sense that the sign was physically on the gun display long enough for a photo to be taken, but it certainly isn't real in the context the photo itself implies.
  24. e7 -> e5
  25. Living room, by and large. It's where the TV is, not that We ever watch anything. But We could if We wanted to is all. Everything else We spend time doing is portable: laptop, guitar, sketchpad, books... but it all seems to have taken up residence in the living room. There was a time where the bedroom was Our main locale, but that made it too tempting to just never come out, even for food, so change was needed.
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