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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. We would probably contest that. If We fucked pillows. And could be bothered to try.
  2. Your mom, probably.
  3. Dick of Darkness Total Eclipse of the Dick The Warlock's Hairy Dick
  4. It's not an uncommon thing, you know. Not being able to perform under pressure. You don't have to be so ashamed of it.
  5. Poor kitten. Game thrown off because there's someone to witness it.
  6. Hornshire


    We'll be on later. Not dealing with those fucking guests.
  7. Names like that are common enough at this point, actual intelligence agencies could get away with such blatancy. They still wouldn't broadcast it though.
  8. Practice makes better.
  9. "Can be a choice" is not the same as "Is a choice"; just because something is "a" thing doesn't mean it is "the" thing. On the flip side, to deny that fringe cases exist is no better than supposing they are the norm. The nature of choice conflates the issue further, though. Because while the way one feels is seldom optional, the way one acts on given feelings always is. Unless you're a hard determinist, perhaps. So does "choosing to be" relate more to choosing to have feelings, or to choosing to behave in line with those feelings? Definitions are vastly more pliable than facts. But at the end of the day, no one person can stand for everyone else. While it may bear resemblance to or share common themes with others', your experience, in actuality, is yours alone. So if you tell Us that you've made a choice, We'll take you at your word for it. And if instead you tell Us that you were born that way, again We'll take your word. But when it comes to broad statements that claim to be both universal and definitive, We remain skeptical.
  10. Just keep acting like your twelve. They'll figure it out.
  11. It heavily lends credibility to the notion that genetics is not the be all/end all of sexuality. That doesn't mean that in most cases, let alone all of them, it's swayable. But people interpret facts to suit their whims. This is not nearly as new a thing as people seem to think lately.
  12. Why do you ask? Are your current ones about to disown you?
  13. Sounds like you could use one of those yourself, right about now.
  14. Hornshire


    That's cold. Like, really. You forgot? Damn.
  15. Kay. But answers are overrated.
  16. It's cool. We've still got like two weeks to procrastinate.
  17. It's okay, hon. You'll lose it when the time is right. Probably in prison.
  18. Two quotes One on the general topic: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - Nietzsche And one especially for you: "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be" - Vonnegut
  19. Nah. This is exactly what We expected.
  20. So long story short... You didn't actually do shit. Neat.
  21. The song is "Yakety Sax", but is better known as the theme to the Benny Hill show. The more you know.
  22. Ugh. Having to do schoolwork in school is just soooo fucking terrible. ...
  23. Depends. Our sister needed it to regul... Oh wait. Almost forgot We're not talking to a rational human being here. Sixty minutes of speaking to you is more than enough to make anyone have second thoughts about ever procreating.
  24. Word of advice: Nobody gives a shit about Florida.
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