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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. This because I got it for free.
  2. Yes.
  3. ..................I get plenty of that during the day.
  4. I never left.
  5. Gaming, listening to music loudly in the car and speeding down the highway, punching the heavy bag (when I had it), working out, and eating bacon. Sometimes, I simply just seethe and breathe. Most cases, I simply just walk away from the situation, put on my headphones, and play really loud music to calm me down.
  6. I hope you're okay, mochi. You might want go to the doctor if you're passing out and having vision loss. You could be having seizures, dude.
  7. That doesn't look like millions of fans. That looks like a 9 year old who just learned how to use a keyboard.
  8. ..............Waffles.
  9. *shrug* Still doesn’t stop me from trolling TIC, so no skin off my back.
  10. Eww. That is ugly as fuck.
  11. .........Hmmm......they like anime. Nice. Weebmobile. Also.......vertical pictures? In this day and age?
  12. ..........That looks like what comes out of a vegan asshole.
  13. ...............No one really cared.
  14. Nope.
  15. I was never told or shown this. Also, it wasn't in the welcome package or anywhere.
  16. I second this. We didn't have it in the previous version, either. It made posting in topics that were popular or that I had replied in a little not fun to navigate.
  17. Nah. It’s probsbly because the place changed.
  18. I’ve done the commuting thing for years. My commutes have ranged from 20 minutes all the way to 90 minutes. You just kinda have to do it. For a good job, you’re going to have to, man. Unfortunately, they simply aren’t going to put up with some of your shit, so you have to put up with theirs. Having said that: You don’t completely have to put up with their shit, because they needed/wanted you.
  19. That's nice. I give it 150 days as the over under before you get written up.
  20. If you say so.
  21. Well, sounds like you are in a bit of a quandary. I'd stick with the one that offers better health benefits for you and your kids. That's my 2 cents. Then again, doesn't matter what I say, because you're going to do what you're going to do. A good job is not going to have the same liberties that you have now, because they don't put up with shit for what they are going to pay you.
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