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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. You should probably look into a better insurance company, honestly. My insurance through the company I work for is a PPO, and it is GLORIOUS. I don't pay for glasses or contacts, as long as I keep it under $500. They pay for Lasik (which is easily $5K per eye for a good surgeon) after my copay ($20) and surgery deductible ($1000). They pay EVERYTHING after those. It's freaking amazing.
  2. How? Because they are investing in YOU and YOUR COMPANY. You strike them, your ass is OVER, that's why. Mark Cuban is actually pretty chill. He's only the way he is for the show. In person, he's chill as Hell. I know because I've A) met him, B) had dinner with him, and C), hung out with him on numerous occasions.
  3. You're never too nearsighted for Lasik. That little blurb is from a doctor who is not confident referring you to any surgeons in the area. Probably for good reason. I'd shop around, because I'm nearly blind minus glasses or contacts, and I'm a good candidate for Lasik.
  4. Here is a list of all of my wants.
  5. ...........Deliciouso.
  6. Never said it wasn't coming
  7. ...........................Where do you think half my posts were made?
  8. Yep. That usually happens before......................................... THE POOPENING
  9. At least you can mute whomever you want.
  10. And doesn't require billboard sponsors and ads everywhere.
  11. Imagine having Facebook updates, but shorter, sweeter, and to the point. Also, MUCH faster, because everything is in 140 characters or less. (280 now)
  12. Yeah.....T-Mobile's insurance still isn't that great compared to mine. Even with astigmatism, you'd pay nothing for glasses. Just as long as you don't pick $500 frames.
  13. You know........there are many jobs out there that offer vision benefits. MIne, for example. I get glasses and contacts for free. You should try it some time. Not where I work, though. Somewhere like it.
  14. Y U MAD THO?
  15. Insurance makes mine free. Haven't had to pay for contacts in years.
  16. Shut the fuck up, mochi.
  17. So......you got blaped by a REAL alpha male......
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