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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. .....................You might want to pay attention. That's your future.
  2. Learn to cook, then you won't be a complete fatass.
  3. ..........You didn't need to. Just being a general fatass that doesn't COOK those 1.5 pizzas is enough.
  4. .........................I see you're trying to match Fuggs now.
  5. .........Probably because of burned barrels. Then again, I've never been a huge bourbon fan.
  6. No.
  7. .......................And then you woke up and stopped fapping.
  8. So........when did Zeni do his stint?
  9. lupin_bebop


  10. ..........................................Go on........
  11. ..............................................Wat?
  12. Yeah......I'm sure we can ask the LITERAL 273 members of NASA who were THERE for the incident.
  13. Already did. It's even on an old job's website
  14. ................Nice. I'm okay with that. Not really, but boobs are boobs.
  15. Nice. I know that feeling. I have moments with my job and scheduling. They know what my availability is already, yet fuck it up from time to time. It's a little annoying, but I benefit from it with extra days and vacation. Then again, I've been here almost a decade now.
  16. Interesting. I guess it will happen. I just happened to be lucky in the publishing side, because I worked for a newspaper for a while.
  17. I know the works of this artist. I believe one of the lyrics is "look at me, what am I supposed to be?" Well, you're supposed to be informed, and a little more obviously, informed.
  18. HA!
  19. Hmmmm.......I haven't seen them around in a long while now.
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