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Everything posted by PhilosipherStoned

  1. So I just want to go on the record with an alternate response since stating your frustration with the near miss isn't acceptable. This meme already got canned on my facebook feed.
  2. I'm jealous. All we have is grackles where I live and they're more or less just dicks.
  3. TLDR Version: Now Trump has another photo op, The secret services death star level weakness has been exposed, Now the political right is the new glorified social justice warrior. Did I miss anything? Oh, and whatever you do don't say "If only they didn't miss." That's unhinged and not politically correct the man almost died for Cheesus sake.
  4. Everything is temporary in the grand scheme of things. Life, this planet, and even heat itself.
  5. Ok all of this is old news even the op's reggae drop but forgive me if I feel like I need to post this dudes videos for context sometimes. It's just SunnyV2's spirit animal IS context...This should have everybody on same page.
  6. Shit don't make no sense.
  7. This shit is probably the sound of his soul tbh. It's corny, more than a bit racist, and yet somehow seems over the top in the pride department. Everything checks out.
  8. I hope not anyway. I follow stormchaser circles and a lot of content that really shows how storms be them hurricanes, tornados....whatvever. Nothing seems to devastate as much life as some of these things really do.
  9. They gotta dp it somewhere man.... North Texas, your whole state...idk.
  10. Meh Im trying to clown on myself anyway, part of me wished for that tornado of destructrion, but thruth is.....I know the signs. I've chased the storms. If you see that big one coming your way you grab an appropriate sized mattress and head for the tub in the bathroom. Right? Props for better survival ideas, but even if the twister takes your walls you got something right?
  11. Oh my bad on the late update, but ofcourse some of you might've wished for the 'worst'. Turns out my instincts were right and the shit in the sky was just a show.
  12. Imma walk my dog while this 'storm' is in effect to get some more beer. Stay tuned to see if I end up in Oz because thise is that kind of place, but I'm usually pretty good at calling the bluffs when it comes to a stormfront.
  13. Most remote positions ARE something like that...If I understand that right it means you deal with patients remotely over the phone in an attempt to make sure they are using prescription pills the right way as prescribed?
  14. I think she just fills prescriptions. Man my neighbor across the street apparently can legally run a whole nursing home out of her house, and that shit gets wild af sometimes...I mean I was the dude that hooks up everybodies cable and internet for so long I have seen everything... Don't try that shit though. I don't hate my neighbors. I think the lady running the show is certified to do the shit or something legally, but people going to her 'nursing home' wether they are workers, visiting family, or just like your CNAs, providers etc. clog up my whole damn street. I swear to god man that's how you know my patience is actually golden people are parking all over the place, blocking the streets.... My one dog that I have now comes from like support dogs that I bred so if those old folks have a problem this dudes fucking sirening shit , and trying to go over there even though I didn't really train HIM to. Not trying to segway thread I just wanna know op's thoughts on that kinda situation.
  15. I almost put it in a spoiler anyway lol. You are a really thoughtful mod.
  16. They still don't have one here...but don't worry when I joined the national guard that one time when covid and all the riots had shit screwed up, me and the boys took the loaner van to the whataburger there in the city at like 2am this one night, and got the complete experience.. Dudes jumpin' out of the cars in front of us to fight each other and all.
  17. See that's the problem I bleieve you, but if he plays the Joe Dirt angle I'm gonna have to bring my man.... and stab him with a soldering Iron.
  18. I feel like I could sign off on him having a very punchable face, but when it comes time for the punching he'd have too many jokes ready, but maybe I'm giving the dude too much credit.
  19. Either that or we're ridin' with Biden. Yay.. https://giphy.com/gifs/pYfEywOAolwnm [ spoiler alert - seizure trigger gif ]
  20. Thanks, but I was hoping I wasn't right and shit wouldn't come to this. I never get to feel good when I'm right. Takes all the fun out of it. So now we get to see how the Cult of Trump continues on after this all the way to election day. That could be fun right? Until this motherfuckers right back where he started OMFG! I'm buying a fucking van, and heading to the farthest river in the country away from this shit Goosfraba!
  21. So....I'm not sure how to feel yet personally since he is still running for president, this article even says he could vote for himself in the headline, but maybe that's just another weird ass cnn clickbait bit. Just not sure if I'm ready to see a man that was impeached twice, and convicted of 34 felonies back on his high horse. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/politics/can-trump-still-run-for-president-what-matters/index.html Where's a link to him being held in a shit covered room? Don't play with my heartstrings now..
  22. Seems like David Spade always makes these lists, and I'm never sure if it's just because he himself has a 'punchable face' or people just hate a lot of annoying roles he's played. Personally I just want to rope him with a bungee cord.
  23. Holy fuck I'm late to the show, but I did bring the alcoholic beverages I'm all set. About to play catch up...
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