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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. Are we all branded "IB" for the rest of our fucking lives?! Is there no end to the suffering!?
  2. Fish oil helps with joints as well. It can make you smell kind of fishy however.
  3. Likes to wear both men's speedo underwear and giant granny panties at the same time.
  4. I'd have mine at marijuana dispensaries. And head shops. There is some vaporizing stuff I'd like.
  5. How do you know it works so well if you don't have any wrinkles to start with? I may have wrinkles. I certainly should. But, i'm not really sure, other than to check if I have a huge booger hanging out of my nose, I don't look at myself very closely.
  6. Because he's riddled with STD's.
  7. I can smell it, but I ain't cleaning it up.
  8. Give that talentless pussy a smack for me. Tell him Jimmy says hello.
  9. That's why I'm looking at lap desks, right this very minute!
  10. Mmmmm, I love fresh baked bread. Both of the sides of my family came from farms across the Midwest, so my Grandmothers both made awesome bread. My brother makes it sometimes now, brings me a loaf. Nothing better than big slices of toasted bread with jelly.
  11. For me, it's laughing that hurts.
  12. I wish Q were my dad.
  13. I'm disabled now, but I have done many, many things. Mostly office, clerical, phones, files, mail. I did telemarketing and collections/skip-tracing, factory, warehouse, minerals testing company grunt, restaurant, delivery, janitorial, construction and commercial painting, and countless more. If it's entry level bullshit for shit-pay, I've done it.
  14. I don't get to eat out, like, ever. So I would love anything. I guess if I had to pick one place right now, I'd go for Burger King. A Whopper and a chicken sandwich for six bucks, plus large fries. Damn, that sounds SO fucking good.
  15. If you have possible mental problems and suicidal tendencies, you probably shouldn't have any guns. I have one, a two shot .38 special derringer. Do as I say, not as I do.
  16. Rofl. Yeah, go with the BB gun. Aim for the nipples.
  17. Patrick Rothfuss is one of my favorite writers. There's actually another book, a novella I guess you would call it, featuring Auri, the little girl Kvothe befriends, who lives down in the the underground at the university. It's ok, but I'd rather see the next Kingkiller novel.
  18. Good. Knowledge is the only thing that can't be taken from you in this shithole world.
  19. I read first thing in the morning, for anywhere from two to four hours. Even five sometimes. Depends how much pain I'm in that morning. I need a ton of light, I have glaucoma. I read laying down on the couch. Sometimes I go read outside in the morning, if it's warm. I read two or three books at the same time, usually one or two novels and one biography, history, or military/law enforcement book. Nothing better than a warm morning, a big-ass mug of coffee, and a cigar to wake up.
  20. I know. And all those other fucking website companies worth all that cash. And there I sat, getting stoned and playing 2D video games while all those assholes were getting rich.
  21. Nope. I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not.
  22. The Art of War is a great book. Right now I'm reading Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson and Silent Warrior by Charles Henderson. The former is the third Stormlight Archive book and the latter is an account of the career of a Marine sniper named Carlos Hathcock. He was with a scout/sniper unit in the Vietnam war. Oathbringer is great, if you like Sanderson. Or fantasy books in general.
  23. Only in a sexual manner.
  24. Nope. It's NCIS screenwriter.
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