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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. And why is it that they always hire those cranky old women to man the sample booths?
  2. When I do it, if anything, people who hear it cringe.
  3. Yes. Anything else?
  4. Great special effects, Tom's makeup was flawless.
  5. I fucking hate Subway. Every time I've been there the bread has been dry. And they use the absolute lowest quality lunchmeat made. They're happy to pile a shit-ton of veggies on it, because that is the cheapest thing they can do. Sorry, tangent.
  6. Better that than a stoner.
  7. Isn't that like, what going to a parade is all about? I like them, but I'm a pick-pocket, so...
  8. Yeah, me neither. I want seventeen year olds.
  9. It's better than my bed.
  10. I've taken that, in fact I'm in the process of titrating down off of it right now. I was taking it for trigeminal neuralgia, though. It is a stimulant, a muscle relaxer.
  11. Better watch it, God will smite thee. Or is it three? God will smite three!
  12. That's Freedom Fryday, mother-fucker!
  13. Yep. It was April 4th, 1976.
  14. I don't know what squirrelbear is, it's just a basic rule. It's what a gentleman does!
  15. Also, if you get repeated clogs, it's usually a plumbing problem. Often it's tree roots that have broken through your pipes. You can keep roto-rooting and cutting back the roots in there, but they just keep growing back. Trust me, I know all about it.
  16. Are you sure they aren't those flushable wipes? Like, Cottonelle or something?
  17. The way I see it, if you're going to kiss in public, you at the very least owe the public a show. If I don't see someone sliding into third, I get pissed.
  18. Don't go for anal until the sixth date.
  19. Damnit!
  20. Good plan.
  21. I wish. I believe Pacific islanders are the toughest people on the face of the earth, and the Caribbean islanders take insult. They'd do something about it, but they're always too stoned.
  22. I'm disabled at the moment, physical rehab right now. I'm hoping to do at-home customer service once I can sit up for an extended period. My choices are pretty limited in what I can do, frankly, as I did physical labor my whole life.
  23. You can't trick me, I won't reply to that.
  24. No, the people who actually live on those islands.
  25. My hair is probably about 35% - 40% gone. Good thing I'm not vain. I'm actually thinking about shaving my head and getting it tattoo'ed, similar to Floki's, ram's horns on the sides and some design on the top. No kidding, if I can the money up doing it, I may as well, my head is huge and bulbous, and I'm very bald on top, so the only thing to do is go on the offensive and just keep it shaved. Sun Tzu on my own head.
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