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Houdini Splicer

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Everything posted by Houdini Splicer

  1. No job, no girlfriend, has to ride the bus... Damn, your life really sucks. No wonder you go around pretending to be a lone wolf alpha male. Even then, in your daydreams, the women turn you down. So your imaginary life sucks, too. What an absolute loser. 😄
  2. Oh, you do enough of that on your own. But the post shall remain as it is.
  3. What would be funny, is if they fired you in front of everyone, Mr. "Alpha".
  4. 2005 Zenigundam would see that he will still be a virgin in 2018.
  5. On some days, yes. But not often.
  6. Damn right. Fuck the world.
  7. You could... Show him the vid of you throwing a chair and flexing. That will let him know exactly with whom he is dealing. 😆
  8. "When you gonna let me knock the stuffin' off that Egg McMuffin?" Works. Every. Time.
  9. You will never not be weird or awkward. It is scientifically impossible. Freak.
  10. Living on the bottom of the ocean? Hmm...
  11. Again, that is what your cell mate will say, when he gets his first look at you.
  12. That's what your cell mate's gonna do to dat ass... Bar har har! 👉👌😱 😆😆😆
  13. Could I have my name changed to Houdini Splicer?
  14. The woman is a year older than Zeni. In a survey, we asked 100 people, is Zenigundam a pedophile? The number one answer is on the board. Survey says!... *ding* HELL YES! Thanks for playing! A winner is you! 😛
  15. You'll die long before her, because of that pisswater bullshit you guzzle down.
  16. Stick with the one who actually wants something to do with you, you dumb bastard. Or just stick with your hand.
  17. Boy, you just ain't right.
  18. No, they're dialing 9-1-... And just waiting for you to do something. Anything.
  19. You mean you aren't going to the mall to scope out chicks from the bushes?
  20. Damn, and here I was, thinking that you lost a hand. Boy, am I disappointed.
  21. That sinking feeling you're experiencing, is heart disease. Clogged arteries, to be exact. Congratulations, fat boy.
  22. And they all want to harvest your organs.
  23. Every last one of them.
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