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Order of the Lobster
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Everything posted by Vercaties

  1. Masturbate until you die of exhaustion.
  2. You only say that because you want to clap them alien cheeks. Right on brotha 💪
  3. Must have been, there was a Long John Silvers in the parking lot and that place was banging!
  4. I would figure that would be a game that you would want as a physical copy. My GameStop will release it at 9pm the day before hopefully.
  5. I remember when Kmart became Big Kmart and Walmarts turned into Super Walmarts. Those were better times.
  6. Nothing compared to when your two side chicks at work who hate each other become friends then hate you. 😬
  7. First thing, this is gonna stay up for the rest of the month. Second, the custodian never vacuums our office for some reason so we pretty much clean up after ourselves aside from them taking out the trash.
  8. My coworkers spoil me
  9. Sounds like Corn Dogs for the picking to me. You could have gotten an easy smash.
  10. Sadly Nicotine tests don't lie
  11. I work for a very large Christian hospital.
  12. I had to quit smoking for this new job. I had ween off using Vape then went cold turkey. I passed my nicotine test and really want to go back to smoking but I'm afraid they will retest me when I start.
  13. I do the same thing but with animal planet at sports bars during the NFL season.
  14. Damn I knew there was a reason why I deleted the app.
  15. Zaxby's is for people who are too low class for Chic-Fil-A
  16. I jerk it when I'm nervous. Looks like it's gonna be a pretty sticky situation.
  17. More like Diarrhea of champions.
  18. Hell Yeah!!!! Happy belated birthday!!!! Virgo Squad!
  19. I hope y'all nasty mofo's know that this behavior is filthy and disgusting. You should be asshamed of yourselves. This is a family show! I am deeply disappointed and disturbed and with that said, I'm first!!!!! Woooooooo!
  20. It's only been 2 days and I've already failed
  21. OMG why am I just now seeing all of these!!!! I love you guys!!!! All of you 😍
  22. The Lord's chicken will see and acknowledge you for all you have done in the folling days of judgement! 🐓
  23. Where I grew up as a kid they would just grow from wherever we spit them out at from the top of our deck.
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