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Order of the Lobster
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Everything posted by Vercaties

  1. Happy to have contributed. :fap:
  2. Dark Horse Comics actually did a sequal to the book. It wasn't too shabby. You should check it out. Warning though the book ends differently from the movie and that reflects in the comic.
  3. Fight Club 2 If you really think about it though, Mr. Robot is essentially Fight Club's Spiritual Successor.
  4. Nothing gets my rocks off like having an overpriced Starbucks beverage at Barnes and Noble, the season has officially begun.
  5. Vienna Sausages and rain water?
  6. Real men eat that junk cold!
  7. Would have to say tacos. A) Taco Pizzas are a thing B) There's always Burritos and Chalupas to fill that void.
  8. That's gotta be illegal. I'm gonna have to arrest you sir for breaking the law. You have the right *Rips Pants off* Partay!!!!!
  9. This brings back memories. Gonna have to load a psp emulator on my phone now and play some Peace Walker.
  10. I would be willing to make a donation to implement something that will overall improve the Boards.
  11. Shit I wish Disney had a nudist day! That would be super dope.
  12. It's the Diesel to my engine
  13. I asked my coworker the other day why she didn't drink when she was at Disney and she told me "when I drink I get drunk, when I get drunk my clothes come off".
  14. Nothing wakes me up like the refreshing, brisk, original taste of an ice cold Coca Cola with a little bit of rum added to it
  15. Yeah I used to go camping all the time when I was a boy scout growing up. I could see myself filming a horror movie out in Silver Springs park though.
  16. I grew up around Dunellon and can tell you that there are actual Jeepers Creepers out here. This is turning out to be a good year for Horror.
  17. The horror genre needs more people like him who are awesome and just don't give a shit about what other people think. Night Breed and Hellraiser are all time favorites for me.
  18. How many of you suckers are going this year? I heard the Shining is gonna be a theme this year. DISCUSS!!!
  19. I don't see how you can get drunk off of warm milk.
  20. Is this more of a Magic Shit Posting thread or a magic rocks my world cliche? Asking for a friend I swear! :fap: :brownbottle:
  21. Whatever you do, don't sniff it...
  22. French Toast Crunch or bust!!!!
  23. Gotta keep chicken nuggets and Cheeto poofs in your pocket homie. Come on haven't you taken sex ed?
  24. Hello I'm a 2002 Honda Civic who identifies as a male adult human.
  25. Are we talking 90's X-Men or that new age bullshit?
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