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Everything posted by bigdick

  1. bath and body has amazing hand sanitizes, and they should totally throw this little bit of information into their ads
  2. yesss I love going to the movies just for the popcorn New plans for the weekend thanks
  3. So the only good thing that came out of my last relationship was this bad boy. My now-ex boyfriend had gotten it for me. bye feliciaaaa best replacement ever? like hello ??
  4. tbh I only clicked on this thread cause I saw your name in latest reply
  5. trash game no skill required why is it in esports
  6. Zero Condom And knowing Zeni, it wouldn't be for sexy reasons.. solo acts don't need dat shiii
  7. was it a nude
  8. I keep planning on going back just to have them again, but it's such a driveeee. Fck the philly cheesesteak tho, people should go there just for those yummies. No fry has ever been the same since I had those babies and it's been 2 years.. ;__;
  9. Wait, that was my favorite movie as a kid but I don't remember it being sad ... Wtf did I miss
  10. bigdick


    haha my friend is actually into that and I can't say I understand it.. but I'm sure his future girlfriend will be very pleased
  11. I like having long hair so getting a trim feels a lot like going to the dentist :'( damn rat tails though ;.; I started rubbing coconut oil on the ends when I have to have it in a neat bun anyway, but it doesnt do anything but make it feel softer >.< split ends are such a problem for me though you should let it hanggggggggggg
  12. nooo fuck brushing dry hair Like they say you should wait for it to dry to avoid ends splitting but uh no fuck that lol that shit is cancer even for me, for you that'll be like 10x more brutal haha people are cray
  13. you're lucky wtf everyone sheds on the daily you have curly hair though right? Maybe it's different for straight hair/hair that needs to be brushed through
  14. bigdick

    The Black Death

    https://store.steampowered.com/app/412450/The_Black_Death/ It's only 10 bucks on steam for summer sale but has like no players on it. The bugs aren't so bad, ie not like in Miscreated where you log on the next day and find all your shit missing. haha so fun IT'S REAL FUN THOUGH, AND CRAZY ADDICTING IF YOU LIKE SURVIVAL GAMES AHH i been spamming it yall should get in on it and let me know cause I've been doing a solo run and keep dying.. getting no where for days now =_= (You only lose your items and gold when you die, but your level and new skills remain as long as you spend the skill points beforehand)
  15. no one can hear you scream join me on an adventure to mars
  16. bigdick


    we dont need a man to hope we have a pleasant day in order for us to have a pleasant day this is patriarchy at its FINEST #feminism2018 #fightthepower
  17. uh idk it's normal to shed Everyone with long hair leaves the drain covered in hair (that you should always clean before leaving !! >=(); I feel like that's what's going on with you now. Maybe when your hair was short, you didn't notice it happening but it always does. Also brush from the tips up, and maybe try to detangle your hair with the conditioner before rinsing and leaving the shower.
  18. lmfao I told my (now ex) bf that it's too soon to be getting married when I found out he was gonna propose, so the next day he "accidentally" cums inside me and tries to play it off, hoping I wouldn't notice And dude's talk about women tryna trap them
  19. Yeah but it would have required a flight, aka talking to work about getting those days off - which I found out about too late to discuss ;__; I'm honestly so upset you have no idea. Would definitely like a time machine right about now :*(
  20. I'm planning on going to Amsterdam in August and all I can think about is getting shit faced and fucking hookers I think that movie is messing with my expectations a little bit.
  21. Fuck dude, Cyberpunk 2077 was at E3 this year?? Now I'm even more pissed I didn't go omg legitimately mad I need to go hit something If only I didn't find out the dates too late ;___; AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHFDSSFFDFASDSA
  22. hey I'm russian You don't have to care about sports to bang me
  23. Is the Social Club anything like The Breakfast Club? Dibs on the weird girl if so
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