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Everything posted by bigdick

  1. I post this shit everywhere because it looks amazing, has been 4 years, and I can't fkng waittttttttttttttttttt any longer. Beginning to doubt it's future existence -;__;- >The teaser shows how the Psycho Squad might acquire a new member. The Psycho Squad specializes in combating "psychos" -- individuals who overuse implants and substances that boost or otherwise alter the human body. There comes a point when they overdose on these innovations, and their bodies start to rebel against their biological body parts as well as all things organic around them. Simply put, they start killing people, who they now derisively call "meatbags." When a psycho goes on the rampage, strange things can happen. There's carnage, and the psycho might be taken down by regular police, but they're not always able to get the job done. When things spin out of control, they call in MAX-TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division), popularly called the Psycho Squad.
  2. The birds represent my cat.
  3. No, don't try it, shit fkn hurts Those damn doors get me all the time ::: ::: :::
  4. when my dad got some of his load into my mom insta fk up gg
  5. great strat order 1 to stay and 1 to go
  6. fuk I wish you didn't tell me this Goodbye the next week of mine
  7. Steam: Boalam http://steamcommunity.com/id/Boalam/ i like making friends and then staying invisible forever add me irl
  8. nah I hate my birthday That day makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. Like it's kind of depressing to be alone on it, but if I spend it with people then I just find myself feeling guilt and awkwardness on top of the sadness. It's an ungrateful way to think of things but I can't shake the feeling of having done nothing but burden others, so when they shower me with attention, it all seems kind of forced and unnecessary, and then gifting holy shit that makes things way more stressful. I would prefer to celebrate it belated-style, that way everyone has an excuse to drink or do something fun without it really being about me. Also, I'm confused. Is it your birthday today or post Valentine's? Happy birthday :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle:
  9. beer is love beer is life
  10. hey, wanna swap nudes for some karma?
  11. 100% thought it was gonna be about this
  12. swallowing plasma also, surveys. Consuming DNA would get you a lot more though.
  13. Minecraft and mmos like Path of Exile/League don't require much at all, yeah, but you won't get a "gaming pc" for 300$ even if you wait for cyber monday and build it from scratch. If he's sticking to just those games though then a shitty dell would do the trick, so I wouldn't be too worried about looking up gaming rigs. Liiike I was able to play that shit from my hp netbook. 800 is def doable though, yeah. Just need to be patient for sales. I think mine cost around 1200 but it was through cyber monday sales so the pc itself was worth around 2k and I kinda went overboard. 800 was my aim originally, but 5 years later I can still run brand new games that even my monitor is too shit to optimize on. Only had to change the heatsink since then. You get what you pay for pretty much. Buying used is great and all until one of your parts burn out just a month later and you're stuck needing to replace it, $$ so I'm not sure that's great either. Who knows what condition those were kept in. I generally don't trust refurbished anything either although that's me being stupid and paranoid BUT IDK MAN IDK COULD HAVE CUM IN IT IDK
  14. wow that is 100% like sleeping with me haha just kidding haha This forum needs a :gun: emote.
  15. here you go am lazy http://steamcommunity.com/id/Boalam/screenshots/
  16. I never called my father "daddy" but I had no problem calling my exboyfriend this. Reporting malfunction.
  17. This week has been like: 6 PM - 9 PM 3 AM - 7 AM 1 AM - 6 AM 12 PM - 5 PM I don't really sleep, and all because I wanted to play the new Resident Evil.
  18. dang I actually have one for this but I've always been iffy about posting pics so here's a drawing It's liek the exact copy 100% tell me I'm beautiful.
  19. I just want to update that someone gifted me this amazing game tonight and I am prepared to never leave my house again :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: cause I'm prob gonna have a heart attack within the first two hours lesgo
  20. Shit looks so awesome. I've been watching people play it on stream cause I don't have 60$ ha ha h On that note, VR might be worth saving for.... I'd probably pee myself playing this, though.
  21. I lol'd
  22. why, just get it at beer #0
  23. idk beer #4 it's never a bad idea
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