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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Suspiciously had similar interest and lists to me so I’m not sure if there’s a Tyler Durden situation going on.
  2. Top 3 fights in Dragon Ball Z 3. Goku vs Perfect Cell 2. Goku vs Vegeta (saiyan saga) 1. Piccolo vs Android 17
  3. These games have mostly stunk, I always forget they’re not usually competitive in the wildcard round
  4. Probably a distraction tactic so he can keep nominating horrible people to his cabinet
  5. Loved to hear a Raven’s fan yell “that’s fucking retarded!!” Love the AFC North…
  6. Lamar is scaring me how much he’s running, gonna flirt with injury
  7. Chargers O line seems completely outclassed by Houston’s defense thus far, Herbert’s gonna have to do his best Tua impression and get the ball out fast
  8. Three inches is more than enough, everyone says it…
  9. Same, that’s the thing people from outside the south don’t get. Snow is fine! Wonderful even. It’s the amount of ice from the melt and refreeze that gets us. That and we don’t have the infrastructure to deal with it.
  10. We get it maybe twice a decade. It’s only maybe three inches but it’s huge for us.
  11. TheseThese are the end times
  12. Oh naraku… *audience laughs, claps, roll on credits*
  13. Fun fact! There’s something called a primary stabbing headache, colloquially known as an “ice pick headache.” It’s a rare headache that causes intense pain for one to two seconds, usually in the temple, then goes away completely and without any residual pain. It can happen on and off for hours, or even days. It’s so sporadic that there’s not a lot of treatment options, and it’s not really known why they happen or what triggers them. So of course I get them. It started five years ago, I thought I was having an aneurysm. I’ve only had it happen about 15 times in the last five years and it only lasts for a few hours…until Monday. It’s been happening two days straight and I want to die. Hows your Wednesday?
  14. Venture Brothers is the best thing adult swim ever produced
  15. You missed my point completely, but at least it answered some questions I had. Oh well.
  16. Packard, I think living within your means, no matter how meager, can be a noble pursuit, but when you’re braggadocious about it, it’s laughable at best, delusional and/or pathetic at worst. I appreciate and commend you that you’re honest on here (because who would lie about their situation to make it sound like this). However, I get the impression you think you’re in the catbird seat. I don’t know if it’s cope or delusion. This is why you get so much shit on here. You’re honest with us, but not with yourself.
  17. You liberals have some strange riddles…
  18. I didn’t know you were so liberal. It must suck for you that Trump won.
  19. It’s Trump. I don’t see why either but the man is terrified of losing.
  20. 2 to 1 odds we have a Jan 6 style “lovefest” out-and-inside a courthouse in NYC on Friday? edit: not loveseat
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