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Everything posted by SwimOdin

  1. Mass Effect Legendary, on 1 right now. Dead Cells, I have to beat hard now because I’m not gaining anything from cells, damn if hard is not hard! Lego Jurassic World with the boy. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, they’re about to drop sector 7…if that’s how it happens in this one.
  2. Do you need any corrective lenses at all? If not you’re in that lucky few, I know so few people that can see well.
  3. Interesting, I’m farsighted, I wonder are reading glasses just for that type? I would guess being nearsighted would make reading glasses obsolete.
  4. Also, in the fullness of time and obviously on a linear time scale, the one in which we assume human life is dimensionally observing, then there IS a finite amount of times you will experience something, so there really is a set number of times you will visit Arby’s before you die. This is my unpopular opinion.
  5. Curse you and your good eyes! I’m 42 and it’s like they’re crumbling before my very e…like I can’t see good!
  6. Someone’s still enjoying their 30s!
  7. Every time I go to Arby’s, I silently consider my mortality and wonder how many more times I will have Arby’s before I die. Like if there were some digital counter above my head that ticks down and down each time I visit, with my death happening soon after it reaches zero. Then I think, well, just don’t visit Arby’s and the counter will never go down. Then I think, that just means the counter is on a low number so that any time I forgot about the counter and accidentally get Arby’s, it’s much more of a fatal mistake. i like the beef n’ cheddar
  8. Marijuana is getting too strong. They need to pull it back. Let’s get some mids.
  9. “Speaking of…” even though it’s a segue. If you follow it with a complete non sequitur, then it’s conjunctive AF. i say it so much that it’s become an idiom for the 4 year-old.
  10. Trailer because I did t really say what it’s about.
  11. I posted my initial thoughts here in Sunday after I saw the film, but it’s been sitting with me and I’ve come to appreciate it more now that I have some distance from the more disgusting parts (and this is the most disgusting movie I’ve seen). I definitely recommend it if you like body horror, if you like French films, you want to see an incredible performance (Demi Moore), or if you want to see a horror-comedy spectacular. If you are squeamish in ANY WAY, you’re going to have to be very brave. I easily held a pillow in front of my face for 30+ minutes of the run time, and at one point had to apologize for all the moaning I was doing (would if they were moans of pleasure). It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen and it amazed me, scared me, and made me feel sick. Again I don’t want to understate how disgusting and disturbing the visuals can get. By the end I was laughing it was so preposterous, but there are moments and stretches of minutes where I couldn’t look at the screen and could barely listen to it. I don’t want anyone going in unwarned LIKE I WAS. My best friend put this on and I feel violated. But also…grateful, because I would have never sought this out of my own volition and it’s a film that needs to be seen.
  12. How many o’ y’all use reading glasses? I have hit the age that in addition to my normal prescription, I have another pair of glasses (+1.75, so far) cuz I can’t read any-damn-thing. 40’s be hittin’ hard lately.
  13. They can have my cum when they take it from my cold, crunchy jizz-rag!
  14. @Master-Debater131what is it about fascism that makes you the MOST horny?
  15. You are an idiot.
  16. https://bsky.app/profile/nicboothby.bsky.social/post/3lg752feyvc2s Elon is a Nazi
  17. It’s…snowing again. This is bizarre to have it a second time in nine days.
  18. Toriyama’s final take on his seminal work of Dragon Ball, it’s often meandering, ponderous, and…I love it. What some people aren’t getting is this is CLEARLY a show for children, and they think they’re watching something furthering the “Dragon Ball mythos” which is in itself hilarious. I’m watching it with the four year old and we’re having a blast. It’s silly and fun and series has never been animated better outside of the movies.
  19. Please, Baltimore or Buffalo, it matters not to me…please beat the Chiefs next week.
  20. This has been a wild game and it’s not just because my wife procured a new dab pen, and I also bought reading glasses because I’ve become THAT OLD. It’s been just nuts!
  21. Snoop became a corporate bootlicker years ago
  22. Wait until you hear about Trump etc.
  23. I thought being encased in a hot layer of farts, as he always is, would’ve been more than enough to keep him warm.
  24. She’s ridiculous
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