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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. I am no longer Cyber...I have evolved into the Beast Milk and I will require wine to continue the Monsters INC stage on Kingdom Hearts 3
  2. Filthy weeb
  3. To be honest, when they post their own genitals, and say insanely stupid shit that equates to them flaming themselves, ignoring them is the only real option.
  4. Roll that beautiful bean footage
  5. Well happy bashing, I find it fun because do you really need Cloud a Sephiroth to make a fun game. For the record, they weren't written out, I'm sure they will show up in DLC or even in the next game....I'm not far but Auron makes an appearance, even though he doesn't fight, so they are still a part of the story. The mechanics work as well as they ever did but I'll admit, that Camera has a mind of it's own during the large boss battles. It was right behind me and now everyone is too small for me to see where i am to even dodge while my health is screaming at me......The Gummi ship stages kinda confuse me. I set course for Rapunzels stage and somhow ended up in toy story which wasn't even on the map.....I do like the random battles in space though. AND OMFG TOY STORY.....I nearly blew my brains out because "You got a friend in me" was on a continuous loop for the 3-4 hours it took me to finish that stage. But the possesed doll fight was right up my alley. I guess I'm not far enough to hate it yet but I'm definitely not dismissing it because I can't use Climhazzard on a heartless.
  6. I just thought it was noodles. I kid
  7. Didn't help that she looked pretty much the same after the vid....
  8. It's still kinda funny when other people do it....but seeing him do it at 2am has lost a lot of luster. But Nab is an artist.....He'll keep doing it until it's funny again. He just hasn't found the right way to sell it again.
  9. Overly active imagination
  10. My kids will....Don't really care about anyone else's feelings.....I certainly won't care when those people die either
  11. Good....Good
  12. After Mix posted the pic of him posting in every folder all at once, how does this still seem relevant to Nabz.
  13. So what's canada doing during all this
  14. I never watched the Man show because I hated that.....Adam Corolla? Was that his name? Anyway...Hate that dude. Don't even have a real reason....Just don't like his face.
  15. Just shapes and beats
  16. Old boards sucked....Always had to ask permission for shit
  17. This story needs pictures. All stories need pictures
  18. I refuse to live where that's happening....I'ma jump the wall
  19. I liked Batman Forever. And I had a beeper....No idea why. It was like a phone with no service.
  20. I know what you mean in this thread because you post it constantly, but I just wanna kind of warn you before the Zeni fanclub shows up that this almost reads like you want 17 year old boys
  21. No snow for roe, but it's cold as fuck.
  22. Well at least it's not just me....I guess I picked it up from someone else. I never would have guessed Pennsylvania.
  23. Ya know, like on lithium where people didn't really post, but would just lurk and rack up so much time online, or just a huge number of page views and still moved up the ladder. Granted we don't have that same sort of system with a plethora of ranks but I want to just lurk and get in DF.
  24. I had a dream that I got a really swanky hotel room that had a urinal in the closet, but I couldn't use it because when I stood in front of it a shower would come on and I felt like I was drowning.....I wish I had molotovs to throw.
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