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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. She's never going to leave.
  2. I don't think Namekianara was serious about this no drink January shit and I feel like a fool for being sober
  3. Bill collectors don't usually call back to back....They call consistently every day. I think someone who you may have blocked or won't answer calls from is getting desperate.
  4. The only thing I have to add to this is my son, despite hearing SB say his name in songs, still call him "Sowlja boy" because of how it's spelled.
  5. Did you collect the Dragon Balls, because if not you are just wasting my time.
  6. Go ahead...Tell her how much she loves fried chicken and grape soda again.
  7. I don't need any help in the shower.....That's the quickest spank ever....I know I've clocked in under 10 seconds in there before.
  8. @SwimModSponges Someone is encroaching on your terrible schtick and it's not packard this time.
  9. Oh no, his dad is dead.....Cadaveriffic
  10. I said that to a mouse in my garage on a sticky trap a few days ago. I felt the context was valid and counted it.
  11. Well I'll be at work, and they are at their mom's.....Just annoyed that what it could have possibly been had I been off.
  12. Nah, fuugz loves being the victim....She doesn't give 2 shits about phillies but he's her jumping off point and she's his. 2 parasites trying to sustain themselves off their own fabricated victimization.
  13. No, this is Phillies...Lives in mother's basement, gets angry when she doesn't make coffee, waifu pillow, most likely breaths black mold as may time as the basement has flooded, will be a millionaire when his highroller daddy doctor dies and leaves his sentient turd of a son the whole empire. What, did you think I was thinking of you.
  14. Yep, and it's still barely sprinkling....AND they gave the kids an extra day off school.....For winter storms damp streets.
  15. I want to say this in correct context one day.....Not just on PSN or some shit.
  16. Because your mother is a pussy and raised a bigger pussy. Why don't you think your dad is there any more.
  17. You never answered my question from earlier so I didn't bring it.
  18. is this some innuendo shit
  19. LOL, the sure fir....Nothing, nevermind. I'm just going to watch this saga.
  20. Fuck me harder
  21. This sounds kinda defeatist to me.
  22. nah. I mean there is too vast of a selection to "keep it in the family"
  23. LOLthread
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