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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Once the hat is donned, they return home.
  2. I will....I mean I blamed 2 women, my son and 2 other kids for moving it.
  3. No, that's just a totally different hat.
  4. I'm well behaved with the hat....Only when I remove it do my demons escape and wreak havoc on the weak.
  5. It came for free with my copy of SFV......It's a SFV hat. I've had several idiots ask me if it's some Muslim shit on it.....It's just this....The writing on ryu's gloves
  6. Definitely makes it worse.
  7. That's what the neighbor's chihuahua is for.
  8. In the rocking chair in my room where it always is....But it hasn't been there for days, I've looked countless times. I think someone is gaslighting me. And no, I haven't been drunk. Last time I drank was Sunday
  9. It keeps my ears warm when OK winds whip through your ass like razor blades. It's the extent of what it's done for me.
  10. Well you don't live in the mountains so I know you don't have any snow....And i don't have any snow....So the answer is, it's cool I guess.
  11. No, I catch pests of that sort with chopsticks like Mr. Miagi.
  12. You'll have to ask the hat itself....I don't know what it does while I'm gone, asleep or in the summer.
  13. Unsure....I wanna say no but I've definitely gotten drunk in it....So maybe
  14. Also never...Don't like scotch
  15. That's not a question
  16. Yeah, see this is why I need to get to DF.... Never
  17. Get drunk....What else
  18. No....It's a skull cap, that shit would be hot
  19. Not even halfway to df..... So let's try something else.... I just found my favorite hat....AMA
  20. BlackNoir


    The also auto play on my desk top....Still, no sound unless you click it though
  21. Oooooooh, because of the cows. Don't they make one with yogurt clusters? You're still feeding the machine man, eat grass.
  22. Did anyone make a silent hill reference...I'm just going to go ahead and post for the plus won
  23. I only play SFV drunk. I overthink my moves sober and leave opening. When I'm drunk, I see like 4 moves ahead. Everything else i suck at drunk though.....Played basketball drunk and nothing is more frustrating and embarrassing that constantly whiffing layups.
  24. Fuggz is petty af, so it'll happen soon......But it's not all on her. You see, Boo is petty as fuck too....So petty in fact that she would defend the bitch who said her head looks like she had the mumps just because you said something about a broad who hasn't posted with us in years.....Now you're a cunt...I thought you were friends but she had no problem tossing you away....I'm sure I will be too after this post That's a special kind of petty, and those 2 pettys cannot co-exist for long.
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