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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. I hope this isn't the case for too long. There's plenty of people around besides the jerks and people adjacent to the jerks in that house. It is sad and inconvenient that so many people who you can't be friends with because of cowardly human social dynamics are concentrated there, but there are many more out there who have nothing to do with those people. And they'd all be lucky to know you. No reason you should be made to be in total isolation based on something that happened in one community almost a year ago, even if it is very close to home in every way. You're doing so great Jackie. I'm glad you're back from your world travels and doing what you originally set out to do before your life was sidetracked by those frightened, clueless and clumsy liberal college kids who don't know how to put any of their theories and ideals into action. Focusing on school is a good idea, you can rule at that and use it as a tool to get the material stability in your life that would be free and unconditional and not at the mercy of people such as them in a much less sick society than the one we unfortunately live in. Remember that just because school is your focus, doesn't mean you have to do it in isolation. It's definitely good sometimes, but never good for a long time. You don't have to be alone, just because you're isolated from some. And when there's times no one else is around, you have a lot of people here who are always happy to see you posting.
  2. Someone said Bob Marley's granddaughter was there wearing the White Lives Matter shirt too. There's something seriously wrong with the children and grandchildren of wealth and privilege. Mansion-induced brain rot
  3. Well, at least now maybe the Warriors won't make the mistake of letting Jordan Poole walk so they can pay declining Draymond. I was worried for a minute there but Draymond came through in the clutch. Hope he enjoys Charlotte or LA or wherever.
  4. Classic whataboutism. I smell a Kremlin asset~
  5. Omg I didn't even know about this. Need to read more later when I have time
  6. Yes, they are twins, there is very little to absolutely no daylight between them on almost any issue that actually matters. Well that's the kayfabe reason they give, they say it's pragmatic and tactical for reasons that are simply above the heads of the people they look down on like you and me, but that's all showbiz and fakery, the real reason is the Democratic party -- its small cadre of people who really control the party and their rich donors and the military empire/global corporation the party is a public-facing extension of, just like the Republican party -- is and always will be fundamentally opposed to any changes that a normal person like Jessica Cisneros would like to see in the world. That's it and that is the end of it, honest and truly. It would honestly be so nice if it were as easy as electing enough good Democrats to outnumber the bad ones. That would be wonderful if that was all we had to do to make the changes that people like Cisneros stand for, but no that is not the case and anyway the party will simply never allow that to happen. Reality is much darker than that fairy tale story Democratic voters tell themselves every time they go to the polls to rubber stamp their approval of this supremely evil institution.
  7. Oh my god! Craig of the Creek was still on the air?? It seemed so dull and bland...
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/07/more-than-100-million-worth-of-binances-bnb-token-stolen-in-another-major-crypto-hack.html Not a good year for the crypto clowns, but I'm sure they'll bounce back. Seriously, this garbage isn't going anywhere, because we live in hell.
  9. We love the """security""" of our digital investment assets, don't we folks? God bless the crypto clowns for all the good things they're doing in our economy. From money laundering to literal demon funding, the Earth's core is the limit. Sure, they lose billions in this fake money every other day to "hackers" but at the end of the day, at least they can say they did it all while consuming more electricity than most mid-sized countries use in a year! This is a thread for all the big goings-on in our brave new crypto clown world.
  10. Very bad post above, it's just regurgitating what everyone else has already said only less coherently.
  11. Cops always lie. Always assume they're lying. Yes, every time.
  12. I think it'd be a cool video, mystery animal encounter in the attic. Wouldn't go it alone though, at least have someone at the entrance hole.
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-pardons-thousands-for-simple-possession-of-marijuana/2022/10/06/0d4a829c-45aa-11ed-be17-89cbe6b8c0a5_story.html Fake clown show. Why don't these villains let some actual human beings who never hurt anyone out of their cages for once, that would be a nice change of pace for these vile sadists. If they really want to pardon people they have literally millions of nonviolent victims of the failed war on drugs to choose from, languishing in prison or struggling to get by after being released because of their """criminal record."""" Freeing actual prisoners to me would be a good start at doing something Real and good and not fake.
  14. Go up there and look but make sure to wear multiple layers of heavy long sleeve clothes and pants for protection. Also film it!
  15. Most frustrating to me is just how much the Democratic party and Biden specifically have done to exacerbate both of these enormous problems which have immiserated so many millions of people, and now that everyone's all the way sick of their evil shit the best they can do to respond to public pressure is this fake stage show BS for purely cynical political propaganda purposes. "Oh yeah, the cost of college is uhh, well it's a little bit too high. Mm yeah we totally support abortion, while also supporting the police who will be enforcing its prohibition and of course our wonderful virulently anti-choice Democratic congressmen. They're good team players on other things! And uhh what else, oh marijuana, we'll we're uhh just beginning to look at *something something* about marijuana. Anyway, here's billions of more dollars for the police!!! They need more money and we need way more of them, 100,000 more cops ASAP!!! You know so they can continue to enforce the unbelievably horrible and always getting worse status quo, which we get absolutely red in the face rabid about whenever anyone suggests that we are trying to do anything to change it. We're not! We love the status quo and are just tinkering around the edges slightly! Don't fix what isn't broken, and this system is DEFINITELY NOT broken! Vote for us!!!"
  16. That's all they got him on?!?! After ALLLLLLL the sketchy "international business" shit he did with his dad and uncle across the world, which Joe blatantly lied about to the public... Oh, that's right, all that private enrichment stuff exploiting the high office of his father is fine, very legal and very cool. Mmhmm, it's the *checks notes* lying on his taxes and a gun application that are the Real criminal issues here, with him and his family making untold millions of $$$ doing favors for international enterprises written off as merely "doing good things in our economy," yes I see. . .
  17. My hermit-y friend who has avoided it until last week also just tested positive for it a few days after getting his first booster. It made me wonder if the booster "gave him covid" But he also said it seemed like half the people at his work had it, so not a real mystery just something I wonder about. Bc I've heard about vaxes and boosters laying people out for a few days with illness, I wonder if it causes a positive test result.
  18. So fight the lawsuits, my god it's the federal government. But Dems never want to fight for anything to actually help people or fundamentally change anything but instead just do a cartoonish shadow of the bare minimum for short term propaganda purposes.
  19. Yeah literally almost never, it's a symbolic move. Should've been pushing to legalize it on day one but here we are almost two years later with the shadow of crumbs
  20. Since it's just federal charges for simple possession this effects very few people, need to include intent to distribute charges & convictions and reschedule it among other things at the bare minimum to actually begin helping people
  21. Enjoy your crackers and snacks! @The_annoying_one
  22. Someone let it in
  23. Happy birthday stonergoth!!!
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