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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. Shocking. How new and scary this 'America first' MAGA cult is that so ruthlessly attacks the press, the establishment, teachers and academics...nothing at all like "the old GOP" I tell yew hwat
  2. My guy .... Their schtick is literally appealing to anti-war and anti-imperialist people by using accurate leftist criticisms of American/Democratic foreign policy, and funneling the rubes among them into the arms of the decidedly pro-war and pro-imperialist Republican party as if what the GOP is offering is somehow fundamentally any different let alone better, but do continue to go off. This is really something.
  3. "America First means walking away from America's role as global hegemon and intentionally ushering in a brave new multipolar world where America sacrifices its plurality of global wealth, power, and influence by minding its own business and not waging imperialist wars all over the planet. That is why we must pray the Democrats win, to preserve America's domineering role of wearing the boot that has been pressing down on the throat of the rest of the world for many decades. I am very smart."
  4. They're the same picture .jpg You are living in a fantasy land.
  5. Buddy, if I thought the Republican party had any interest in doing any of these fantastical anti-war and anti-imperialist things you're claiming they support like disbanding NATO and ending the proxy war in Ukraine and leaving the rest of the world alone I would vote for them myself. Don't be such a rube.
  6. Right, Democrats are real Americans who want to preserve America's global hegemony, Republicans are in the pocket of Big Russia and want to wind down American imperialism by disbanding NATO 🤡
  7. Wellllll, that plus all the thousands of US special forces fighting in Ukraine, + the combat-ready military regiments deployed to the region to "dissuade" Russia from doing anything like what America routinely does to its enemies throughout the world, + the many thousands of CIA operators both in Ukraine and at home directing and carrying out attacks against Russian targets like the Nordstream pipeline and the bridge in Crimea, + our global surveillance technology that tells them everything they need to know about what the battlefield looks like and which targets to attack, + all the western propaganda necessary to keep this open-ended proxy war going ad eternum despite the deleterious effects it is having on regular people's standard of living in America and Europe, not to mention the rest of the world like Africa where tens of millions are facing increasing hunger and starvation the longer this unwinnable war goes on, etc etc...
  8. Let me see if I got this right - they're isolationist imperialists, who want to give up a tool of imperialism in NATO, because they're in Putin's pocket + because they "don't want us involved in ""the global community""...which the US dominates with imperialism... Incoherent
  9. It was completely fine until it went off the rails with the bit about attempting to disband NATO and Putin invading Poland.
  10. Love to maximize my positive impact on society by becoming a billionaire crypto clown whose preferred charitable contributions are "pandemic prevention" and bolstering humanity's collective defenses against evil AI 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡
  11. Another crypto clown doing good things in our economy https://archive.ph/TRGN8 There's plenty of evil buffoonery to laugh at here but this part is my personal favorite 🤡 🤡 🤡
  12. The U.S. budget deficit was sliced in half for fiscal 2022, the biggest drop in history following two years of huge Covid-related spending. Wow, so what you're saying is that the govt stopped spending a ton of extra money once the pandemic ended. Smfh. Not even worth pointing out how hollow this is.
  13. Lmao at the fakery of Dems waiting until immediately before the Republicans take back the House. Chef's kiss
  14. Oh oh, how about The Condors
  15. WTF? Just making shit up now.
  16. Democats
  17. The video of the police pulling up and attacking this man for absolutely nothing is linked a couple posts further down in the thread. Hell A
  18. Beware of anyone trying to differentiate the UN & "the international community" from the American empire. They are lying to you about the plain reality of the American empire's global hegemony.
  19. Rings of Power is definitely a mess but I like that it exists and I like it overall, it's fine for what it is. An animated "war of Rohirrim" film sounds terrible, but since there isn't yet a glut of Tolkien content I'll probably watch that garbage.
  20. Oh lord, that irredeemable propaganda pig who is always following me around here made a grotesque US State Dept regurgitation thread in response to this one. Yeah, ok, good. Keep all the fake bullshit in that one then. This will be the reality-based thread about what is actually going on in Haiti and the world, and not that white man's burden ass "oh no, once again the US and its friends in the """international community""" are forced to strap up and intervene in Haiti! For democracy and the rule of law and rah rah" Mmm yeah, the colonizers definitely *hate* having to do that so constantly, but try as they might to avoid it, they are time and again simply forced to do all these frequent coups and send all these ""peace-keeping"" soldiers to violently prop up the fake leadership that best suits their imperial interests, which of course is reinforcing the status quo capitalist system of ruthless domination and unconscionable poverty for the people there. Tell me you know nothing about Haiti without telling me you know nothing about Haiti. http://edition.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/03/01/aristide.claim/ https://www.currentaffairs.org/2016/11/what-the-clintons-did-to-haiti Seriously, America needs to fuck off, but when you're the Great Satan global hegemon that's impossible, and so we the people are left standing idly by watching our warmongering empire's constant crimes in our name, forced to smell the stinking false justification excretions from the human centipede of imperial propaganda that rich capitalist imperialist pigs love to piss piddle around in.
  21. It looks like USA is really tripling down on its coup from last year, when our deep state saw the writing on the wall and responded to the revolutionary ""gang leader"" nicknamed Barbecue (who was about to wrest control of the country away from the corrupt demons that we are in league with) by assassinating the Haitian President and installing this new unelected President Ariel Henry in order to maintain our imperial control over their country. There is clear evidence that Henry himself had a lot to do with the assassination, direct ties to this coup that saw him subsequently become the new unelected President. The masterminds of the assassination still have not been identified, cue US and Columbian govt agencies in a hotdog costume insisting they're trying to find the people responsible. Now we're sending in US troops and weapons to prop up this failed US-backed regime and combat the success of the insurgent army led by the revolutionary fighter Barbecue, who by all accounts seems to be the real leader of the country at this point, in control of Haiti's rapidly depleting reserves of resources and their distribution. He has been outspoken since before last year's blatant CIA coup about his desire to reform Haiti away from its intentionally failed state status that America & co. keep his country in. This could get interesting, or extremely depressing and demoralizing. Like most people with a soul, I am hoping that Haiti finally manages to free itself from the chains which its evil colonizers and exploiters continue to keep it in. We can't keep doing this to these people. We as Americans need to oppose our government sending our military to Haiti to quash these revolutionaries and prop up this failed corrupt unelected coup regime. Enough is enough already, leave these people alone. Give Barbecue a chance to become Haitian Castro. Let's fucking go.
  22. Yeah, as is usually the case, it was the overfishing. Gotta love those sea floor trawlers. Maximum extraction, leave nothing left.
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