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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. "We" don't have that power though! "We" are mostly barely just scraping by! The cops do evictions if you don't pay your rent and throw you in prison if you steal food. Piddly little mutual aid can only ameliorate so much peripheral suffering. Wtf are you talking about?
  2. The world would be a better place if that was the standard human reaction to being drafted to war in like.... literally any context I can even imagine. Is it bc y'all would go fight for Ukraine if you could or something? Kill them evil Russians dead? That's pretty sick in the head if so.
  3. Water you confused about, Keanu? "Anti-war guy doesn't want to be made to fight in a big dumb war, make it make sense"
  4. Yeah that shit ruled, exactly what I would do if Russia (or any govt) tried to conscript me. I didn't watch but the wording of the article I read was funny bc it said the guy shot the recruiter immediately after he gave a "rather unconvincing speech" or "poorly received speech" or something, and then after all the other conscripts run out of the room lol Ah here we go https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/sep/26/russia-man-shoots-commander-drafting-residents-for-war-in-ukraine According to a witness, the man shot the draft officer after he had given a “clumsy” pep talk for the men to go and fight in Ukraine. “Nobody is going to go anywhere,” the man said moments before opening fire, the People of Baikal news outlet quoted the witness as saying. Another witness claimed he said: “Nobody is going to war. Now we’ll all go home.”
  5. I mean just use a fake name? Like. Nobody is going to ask to see your ID. Show up and find out who and what these things look like for yourself if you actually worry about this or believe this to be true based on no personal experiences, just your isolated rural paranoia. Worst case scenario, it'll help solidify this belief in your mind with something more concrete. Best case... anything other than that.
  6. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 This is what a conservative who didn't want people to join socialist orgs would say. Good way to scare people into staying home and keep diffusing all their energy into their internet-connected devices.
  7. What like, recently? Well this summer they organized and led the abortion protests, crowds of thousands of people in cities all across the country, if we're talking national-level stuff. Not every socialist org is a political party, there are orgs like the DSA who frequently support Democrats. It's all about finding what's right and what makes sense for you, wherever you are. It's a good question that you're asking, my counter is - do research on who is active around you, find out when they meet or when their next event is to show up and find out for yourself. I can name things local socialist orgs near me have done. If you can't, maybe it's because you aren't looking into them, and/or maybe it's because they're relatively new and small and need people like you to come along and help them grow so that we can have more power and do more.
  8. Most racists aren't members of explicitly racist organizations, so I'm not sure what you mean.
  9. There are more than a couple, built and run by people like you. You post on the internet about how we need socialism and more robust alternative political parties, why aren't you engaging with these groups in your real life?
  10. I kept seeing so much he-man stuff today at the flea market. This isn't even most of it. I guess Netflix has revived it or something.
  11. Hbd based cringuy, the results are in!
  12. Evil empire strikes yet again once more
  13. https://asiatimes.com/2022/09/did-the-west-bring-war-to-ukraine/ Good article for context on what led to all this.
  14. No, in fact I am not at all fine with America instigating the 2014 coup in Ukraine that kicked off a civil war in the Donbas between Nazi battalions that have since been officially integrated into the Ukrainian military and anti-coup Ukrainian citizens. That coup, along with America's other imperial provocations and material support for the organized Nazi battalions operating in Ukraine, directly led to this war that is ruining life for hundreds of millions of people, as do all of the many wars that the American empire instigates. Of course I'm not fine with that, you tubby (fakemod edit)
  15. I have made this a poll.
  16. What's the issue here...? Pointing out the double standard that exists because of the strength of the American empire which is immune to international law and never faces any repercussions for any of its crimes and illegal invasions which have killed countless millions just in the lifespan of all these 50-something year old tubby white Americans clamoring for still more death at the hands of American weapons is...bad, somehow? "You're saying that Putin should get away with doing something that America and its allies do all the time, why would you want a peaceful resolution to the war instead of cheerleading our empire as it subjects the region to 'Global Justice, American Style!' Why that's outrageous, it's immoral! ...Me? You're goddamn right I'm rooting for the American war machine in this instance! Why no, of course I'm not an imperialist, I don't think any invasions of sovereign nations should be allowed and I wholeheartedly stand with the American empire in its firm commitment to policing this fake international norm that never applies to itself! World War 3? Nuclear annihilation? Small potatoes when we're trying to enforce some friggin international law over here! My imperial govt and media breathlessly insist that the very concept of national sovereignty is suddenly at stake!!1!!1!!!1!" That about sum you up? Where'd I miss?
  17. Yes, this is how imperialism works. A whole coalition of countries joined us in invading the middle east after September 11, France and all of them in NATO were with us on taking out Gaddafi and ruining Libya forever, the presence of these other countries doesn't somehow make it not a war of imperialism, in fact the # of other countries that always go along with the US in its global warmongering is a testament to our place as the global hegemon, the only real empire left on the face of the Earth. Oh, but no, this time it's special. This time, we're right and good in all that we're doing and not at all setting the region up for decades of war-torn hell. All the tubby white men safe in America and Britain and wherever the fuck seem very sure of it this time!
  18. Careful now, that's getting dangerously close to *actual* anti-imperialism. We don't take kindly to those types around here. Only type of anti-imperialism that flies in these parts is the wishy washy variety that claims to have always opposed American imperialism right up until whatever the latest war is that America is sinking its weapons and money into this week, this one's special because we're fighting a Hitler, so all of our imperialistic goals and tactics are justified and good. What, do you stand with this week's HITLER or something?
  19. "Look fellas, now I am by no means one of those awful American imperialists you hear about on the NPR, we should mind our P's and Q's...but this Saddam fella has got to go, he's a Hitler, he has a bunch of weapons, and his war-mongering madness simply must be stopped. And after that I promise, no more supporting American imperialism for me!"
  20. The only reason that Ukraine is able to #resist at all in this war with Russia that America instigated *IS* American imperialism. America's imperialist foreign policy is the only thing that has dragged this war on for so long, so yes, it seems to me that most everybody is cheering for American imperialism here. "We don't support America's imperialism GENERALLY, just this one time as a special treat because Putin is so Hitler" 🤡 tier
  21. You can keep batting at that strawman all you want, but you'll never find me saying such a thing. I gave accurate context in response to your blanket armchair declaration that Russia shouldn't get to take any land it occupied by intervening in the civil war that had been raging on its border ever since the US-backed coup. Russia was invited in at the urging of the leadership of those eastern regions which have been fighting the posr-coup govt/military all this time, that was the situation on the ground before the war and, barring some catastrophic event there, it will be the situation after. You ascribing the Russian state media line to me doesn't change any of this.
  22. Yes? Because it's true? Because these people want to be part of Russia and not the coup government that has harnessed Nazis and """ultra-nationalists""" to stamp out their dissent? How am I eating up his bullshit by accurately providing factual context for what has been going on in eastern Ukraine for the better part of a decade?
  23. Everyone's got a million reasons why they don't support a peaceful resolution to this war as quickly as possible, compromising and conceding anything to Russia is presented as just absolutely intolerable. "He's a Hitler!" All of the realistic agreements and avenues to ending this war ASAP are coded as submission and appeasement and bitchmade and all these other metaphysical things -- to them it's worth every bit of death and destruction for as long as it takes to end this war on America's terms. America agitated for this war, it got what it wanted, and now is seeking to maximize its imperial gains and goals with a prolonged war aimed at weakening Russia. That is what is happening and that is why any realistic peaceful resolution is simply not an option. Regardless of any other opinions and disagreements we all may have on this issue, getting America and its military and weapons of war the hell out of this mess should be the strongest and most central position any American holds on this war, really any war but especially this one where nuclear holocaust hangs in the balance.
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