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Everything posted by NewBluntsworth

  1. We love it when the American military goes to war to protect another country's democracy and freedoms, that is my favorite good and not evil thing that our military is constantly doing.
  2. "The American empire going to war with China over Taiwan is a war against imperialism that we should all support!" Deranged đŸ¤¡
  3. The imperialism grained into Americans' minds is a mental illness that drives them to cheerlead our global war machine's constant mass murder anywhere on the planet.
  4. Rough, but still better than dusty lungs I think after the covid scamdemic most people are pretty checked out on all these "new covid variant", "monkeypox blindness" stories going around now, just like - Ok, yep. I mean it's always good to know the conditions you're in and about what catching diseases are going around, but it doesn't seem worth too much time when the only option on offer is to proceed as normal regardless of how much bandwidth you give it or anything you individually try to do within the structure of American capitalist fascism which inherently can only ever perpetuate All The Problems which are currently causing the world to collapse in on itself, while every natural system around you is in near total freefall.
  5. Threat to who? The American empire's global hegemony isn't people!
  6. You can't seriously still be enjoying this shit week in and week out, right? It's such clownshow garbage.
  7. @Nope
  8. It really feels like if the anniversary was next month, they would just call it a wrap right after that. Waiting until this time next year for the symbolic 20th seems questionable to me.
  9. That's a lot of sugar.
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