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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Youtube Music is better than Spotify. I love how I can easily find anything from Japanese city pop to video game music all while having access to the usual popular artists. Spotify feels very corporate and proper in comparison.
  2. I think Toy Story 4 was the best of the series . . . although Christina Hendricks playing Gabby Gabby probably influenced my decision, as I loved her character Joan in Mad Men. The movie gives a very respectable story to Woody about his fate.
  3. You really think Republicans aren't kleptocrats when they bust unions? You are proof that some people are simply incapable of ever understanding systemic inequalities.
  4. Indeed, Jesus was born in September, meaning the "Virgin" Mary was a slut during the Saturnalia.
  5. What an amateur. Didn't you once make it to a whole 1 percent back in the day?
  6. WELL AKCHYUALLY, Christmas isn't as much about Christ as Western culture would like to pretend. You see, the holiday we celebrate today is less an unbroken thread of pure Christian tradition and more a delightful mishmash of Saturnalia debauchery, Yule rituals, and the occasional Victorian reinvention. The Roman Saturnalia? A week-long festival of gift-giving and partying. Yule? An ancient pagan celebration of winter solstice, complete with evergreen trees, feasting, and gasp wreaths! The audacity of contemporary Western culture is its insistence on acting like traditions exist in a neat little vacuum, ignoring how these rituals have been appropriated, co-opted, and rebranded for centuries. What we call "Christmas" is really the historical equivalent of a patchwork quilt—just with a shiny "Jesus is the reason for the season" embroidered over centuries of pagan partying and cultural exchange. So, while we’re all sipping our eggnog, let’s at least be honest about what we’re really celebrating: humanity’s perpetual love for stealing good ideas and calling them timeless. tl;dr: AI abuse a la Packard. I actually really like this drawing.
  7. Bah humbug. Keep Christ out of Christmas. Debauchery is the reason for the season.
  8. Spirited Away is one of the most poignant anti-capitalist movies ever made.
  9. I am so drunk. I noticed I've never been a belligerent drunkard. I guess I have a few redeeming qualities. What the fuck ever.
  10. Maybe we're missing the point. That's to decrease the life expectancy and ensure he passes before becoming too feeble 🤷‍♂️
  11. I've made friends with people from third world countries, and when the going gets tough I'll take their advice, not yours.
  12. lol, everything you said can still be true while not liking Packard. There is a difference between not liking and disliking, and this is not nitpicking at words.
  13. What really annoys me about Family Guy is that if there is an Asian character, something is always said or done about that character being Asian. They can never just exist as a person. Not even South Park is that bad.
  14. This is giving me daddy going out for a pack of smoke vibes . . .
  15. Speaking of The Ronettes, the Monster anime on Netflix seems to have lost the rights to play Be My Baby on the one episode featuring a short guy named Baby, so the guy is now awkwardly dancing to some horrible generic filler garbage.
  16. I think I have to take back what I said. I didn't know The Ronettes sang this version.
  17. It's cause fuggs showed off her hooha.
  18. beef vegetable soup. So hearty on a snowy day.
  19. I gotta say, this whole calling Musk president to make Trump angry is so fucking stupid. Reminds me of the crowd size and calling Republicans weird shit during the presidential campaign. Brain rot, all of it. No wonder it's the word of the year.
  20. Joyeux anniversaire mon ami
  21. I made an interesting observation, and I feel this is the best place to put it. Elon Musk is the richest person on Earth. He grew up in Apartheid era South Africa and made his wealth here in America. The richest group of people in America are Indian Americans. India is notorious for its caste system, and the majority of Indian citizens who immigrate to America are from the upper castes. Makes me wonder, at least. Are people who are used to having the upper hand in severe exclusionary practices like Apartheid and the caste system primed to succeed in the US?
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