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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. You know, I wonder: It has been proposed that deficits in theory of mind may occur in people with autism, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia, dysphoria, addiction, and brain damage caused by alcohol's neurotoxicity.
  2. @1pooh4u One last question, what is your Spanish score? Mine is 16.
  3. Sounds like a skill issue related to your inability to read a room.
  4. Bully yourself harshly.
  5. Big deal? Matinee prices are still only five bucks here.
  6. Most of those discounts are for automotive-related things, something in particular he never has to worry about. 😂
  7. Congratulations Packard. You have created a thread that exemplifies the Oxford word of the year. https://corp.oup.com/news/brain-rot-named-oxford-word-of-the-year-2024/
  8. Wow, look at that streak. I've been off the platform for years before using it again this year. What is your total XP?
  9. I pay for Super, but I don't think Max is worth it. I just use the free version of ChatGPT to fill in the gaps, and so far this has proven to work. You can make ChatGPT create pop quizzes and practice conversing with it. I think if one is willing to pay 20 dollars a month more for AI features, they might as well use that money for ChatGPT premium instead. And of course, speaking with natives is the best way to improve that skill. Duolingo is mainly good for reading and sentence construction.
  10. *kegelspasm*
  11. I saw the one porn of Hunter receiving a foot job. He is huge. Nothing like a Democrat with a huge dick to make Republicans feel insecure. That's why LBJ was able to make Congress do what he wanted. 💩💩💩
  12. Texas de Brazil is a churrascaria, where you can eat as much meat as you want as it's served to you at your table. There's also a buffet featuring salad, charcuterie items, fruit, and lobster bisque. The first time I went there almost ten years ago the price was 45 dollars per adult. Right now, the price is 55 an adult. Honestly, one of the best deals for any restaurant ever. Anyway, my point is percentage wise, fast food has inflated far more than that on average. Fuck all of them for ripping us off.
  13. I was in the mood for Indian food again, but I got something different: chili chicken and palak paneer. This was even spicier than the biryani. I may come to regret this in a few hours. 😐
  14. Chili's, but only very slightly. I think the fact that the last time I went to Applebee's was for a bad date may be affecting my decision too . . . oh well.
  15. Oh my God. I'm not doing this right now. 😂
  16. I didn't.
  17. This thread, what are confirmation bias and media illiteracy? Looks like college actually teaches you things. 🙄
  18. You are no better than criminals resorting to petty retail theft over toiletries. In fact, you are far worse.
  19. Didn't you used to steal shit from the lost and found at your casino?
  20. Chicken biryani, my breath feels like fire and the nightly temp is gonna be well below freezing. Perfect.
  21. Yeah, it's the fourth Thursday, meaning it can be as early as the 22nd or as late as the 28th.
  22. Look at this Packard-esque Thanksgiving dinner served at Mar a Lago, complete with bad lighting.
  23. Someone's been lurking. 🤭
  24. Someone's been quiet. Must have meant to show his family a stupid AI "joke," but he accidentally dropped his phone and showed them the loli pics. 🤭
  25. I'm joking.
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