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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. What does this have anything to do with incel ideology? I don't think he killed a CEO because women weren't giving him sex.
  2. They heard a retired weirdo was committing huge haram acts of creating loli porn using AI. Find him, Alhamdulillah.
  3. ew
  4. I see Luigi was a "man of culture."
  5. Luigi was in Pittsburgh before he went to Altoona. This is just my hunch, but I think he was after the UPMC CEO.
  6. My sister, a registered nurse, said that just about no one in healthcare cares that Brian died, and many were hoping the killer never would get caught.
  7. happy birthday 🎂
  8. Yeah, have people forgotten public executions were once a thing? Who cares that he was a father? Plenty of horrible people were good sons, fathers, husbands, etc. These elite assholes are fine having Haitians and Hispanics vilified as the reason this country sucks, and a convicted felon is soon gonna be president again . . . and I'm supposed to feel bad for a privileged white man who was head of company that denied many people healthcare and cost them their lives? How many of these people were loved, but they still ultimately died? I don't care, I'll state it here. I am glad Brian Thompson died.
  9. I feel this tit for tat may be applicable to the usual left or right rhetoric, but not the one percent who are obvioisly outnumbered by the lower classes.
  10. Dark Brandon should pardon him.
  11. Final Fantasy 7's themes about extreme corporate power and disregard for the environment get more relevant as the years pass.
  12. I did not realize we now have a lower life expectancy than China. We should feel embarrassed. Also, 🇯🇵💯
  13. lol, I think we all feel like that at times . . . but then he'll say something horrible or profoundly stupid where you don't feel bad anymore. It seems he's on your radar now, so you'll see what I mean soon enough.
  14. So about the house and car . . .
  15. Reincarnation in a way has already been proven. We are made of trillions of cells, millions of which die each day. In order to regenerate, they need energy from other organic material we consume. The cycle continues as long as there is some form of life around. As for the more traditional belief of being born as an animal or whatever in the next life based on our karma, I think that's a load of bullshit. I do however have great respect for the concept of moksha.
  16. lol, more like a white supremacist. This guy is pig disgusting western cosplayer who likes loli, however.
  17. You'd be balls deep into incel culture if you were my age.
  18. Very close. If it makes him happy, good for him. The point is nobody else really gives a fuck, and bragging about it like he does deserves mockery.
  19. You don't drive, you don't own your own house, you don't have a significant other, you have no kids, you don't travel the world . . . and somehow, your "retirement" is supposed to be envied? One inevitable major medical problem will ruin you and yoyr finances. Godspeed.
  20. "This may have been worth 25 dollars, but the heavy cigarette smell knocks its value down in half." "Conditioned response." "Oh no, not this again. Take it or leave it." "Conditioned. Response." "It's twelve, final. Or fuck off."
  21. I made sure to find a pic without naughty bits showing.
  22. Leading the world in green energy production and building more coal plants are not mutually exclusive things, especially when you're a country as large as China. That's all I'm gonna say in this thread that will probably be merged, tangential from your braindead take on oil.
  23. Having an economy based on the price of oil is quite precarious, which is one of the many reasons why countries are trying to move away from it. The Middle East knows it can no longer just rely on oil in the future. China, our main adversary, is at the forefront of green energy. But yeah, let's just drill baby drill for the hell of it and ignore the basic economic principles of supply and demand. Green energy is just woke transgender bullshit. Corporations definitely have the common man in their minds, first and foremost. Fucking dumbass. Again, you don't even drive and are a victim of a car-dependent society.
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