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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. This is the greatest comfort the next four years are gonna bring. We libtards tried to warn them. Enjoy the con you willingly voted for.
  2. You said it, not me.
  3. Canadians are making fun of Trump for cancelling his outdoor speech over cold weather that isn't even that cold to them. This joke of an administration is off to a great pathetic start.
  4. Colbert was running the late show for over a year by the time Trump won in 2016. If you're gonna blame Letterman like that, you might as well blame all of Hollywood. They were perfectly fine with him making frequent appearances in all sorts of awards shows, talk shows, etc.
  5. Sounds like there isn't a contingency plan. Of course there isn't.
  6. Oh no, it's too cold for an outdoor speech. What a PUSSY https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2025/01/17/politics/inauguration-moving-indoors-cold-weather
  7. Here's a little something something, when you come back.
  8. Republicans have some serious nerve to ever complain about George Soros ever again.
  9. I had maruchan orange chicken flavored yakisoba for lunch. Nasty af. Tasted like orange fanta flavored noodles.
  10. Oh, good one, and I definitely disagree. The lack of Olivier immediately comes to mind. The homonculi in the original don't die respectively to the sins they represent. The original one did have better episodes Brotherhood, like the Liore and Nina episodes. And I suppose the music was a bit better, though I loved Brotherhood's music too. If I had to choose the best song overall it would definitely be:
  11. Show him how to clean up, boss. This shit is not the point of this thread.
  12. Well, the shitty janitor managed to draw this from the deep recesses of my memory.
  13. You're failing to see my point and I know you won't get it. Btw, there are people biologically born with XXY and XYY chromosomes. This is different from the extra chromosome you have.
  14. I thought it was two X chromosomes. It may be possible to tranplant a "functioning uterus" into a person born with XY chromosomes, you know. Are they a woman then? Looks like your logic is working against you now.
  15. Time to be insufferable. Here's a list of the 2136 joyo kanji one needs to know to be functionally literate in Japanese:
  16. fugg's favorite: Red Lobster
  17. In Breaking Bad, people reallt hate the scene where Skyler smokes while she is pregnant . . . but it just makes me crave a cigarette. 🚬🤤
  18. Ew, nabs is a trash goblin, but I think even he has standards sexually.
  19. That was Gemini. Nabs would have lingered for as long as possible.
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